Monday, April 11, 2016

A book to buy....

good morning...moving ahead on figuring accessing Grace so nothing more to share on that at this time.  Just reading and studying and listening to the Spirit.  Isn't that what all of us do???

Several years ago we served in the YSA as Terry was called as 1st Counselor in the Branch Presidency.  It was fun to watch some fall in love and end up going to the Temple.  Aaron and Teresa were one such couple.  They are outstanding people and young parents to their 5 little boys.  He recommends this book and I share it with you.  I like his idea of going through it once a year.  He said he bought the book on Amazon for around $16


Please educate your children about PORNOGRAPHY because it's everywhere. This is an amazing book that has nine very short lessons for kids. It provides a realistic storyline that helps your children know what pornography is and how it literally, physically effects their brains. After the second lesson, my nine year old shared how another boy at school showed an inappropriate picture to him. "Prevention is better than a cure." I would say you can adjust the lessons for kids 5 years old and older. It even taught me some things I didn't know.

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