Thursday, February 4, 2016

Taking care of things!

Another entire morning, 1/2 day gone!, at the Dr.'s office but I went prepared this time.  I took my valentines for my Laurels and all of my family with me.  When the nurse came in and asked all the routine questions etc., I then asked her how long it would be before we saw the Dr.  She said--he has to finish with his current patient and then one more and then your husband.  I said--I mean actual time--an hour?  45 minutes?  your guess?  She thought 30-40 minutes.

When she left the room, I took my sack of valentines out and separated then in groups of Laurels, Granddaughters, Grandsons, Sons etc. etc.  I spread them out on the clean paper covering the exam table, pulled out the extension at the end of the table for my desk, pulled up a chair and went to work.  I didn't get them all done, as it seemed to take me forever, to remember who was getting what valentine.  Plus I had a birthday card in there also.  I enjoyed the time and had no frustration.  The intern was a little shocked when he came in and saw valentines spread out in piles that covered the table! 

It's just more rounds of pokes and prods and etc.  I'm thinking this month is going to be 50% Dr. appointments!!  Whatever.  It will end eventually.  All the testing and evaluating will be done.  Results will come in and most likely the follow-up will be...things are fine.  come back in 6 months. It is what it is.

Terry is using a walker when he walks outside on the sidewalk but not inside.  The Dr. asked him where his walker was and we both pointed at me!

On the way home Terry was talking about some hip replacement he heard about that is a new procedure and it still only lasts 10 years.  He talked about how amazing and incredible our bodies are and that the Lord designed our bodies to last and not having to constantly change parts out.  Especially if we take care of them.  I am not up for a nomination in that BodyCare category but I am forever trying!!  I do appreciate and am thankful for the miracle that is mine in having a body and experiencing mortality.

Well, that was today and I'm still rolling in delight that the house is picked up and we had a dinner!

When we listened to our talk today we were both impressed with how earnest the speaker was and how so many of these talks explain new policies and procedures but the doctrine of Christ, the purity of the Gospel, just holds absolutely firm and steady and unchanging...such reassurance and so soothing and peaceful to me.  I love the Gospel!

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