Monday, February 29, 2016

Home again...

It was a safe trip over and back.  When I came back I sort of sat on the sidelines of life for a week and regrouped.  Ever have that happen?  Just sort of a slump.  Still adjusting to how my life has changed and thinking I'm pretty much on board and it always helps to adjust, at least for me, to embracing the reality of it is what it is.

We never know the power of kindness.  Kindness in the smallest of gestures that might just be the key to filling a need.  Sunday...a call from my daughter and loving memory sentiments expressed...words of love and appreciation from my HubbyMan...a friend enjoying a gift that brought a smile to her and thus a smile to me...a friend dropping a thank you card by and reading her thoughts made me feel so loved.  So....was I not feeling loved or appreciated or was I feeling inferior or what?

I just simply needed a gentle hand up and without asking-- I got it.  As the old song says...Brush yourself off.  Pick yourself up.  and start all over again...   Who said Give a little whistle?  and how can I forget...Tomorrow!!  Tomorrow!! The sun will come out tomorrow!!

Most helpful of all is the Gospel.  I love the Gospel and no matter what else is happening, challenging or otherwise, there are words through the scriptures or talks that just really elevate my thoughts.   

Sunday very glad I got to teach my Laurels!!!  Love teaching the Gospel to them.  I do.  I do.
5 of my 8 Laurels!

Natalie-  Your letter arrived on my last day.  Dixie and I both shed some tears.  So sweet to think we go clear back to high school cheer leading days!  What fun memories!  Dixie think we thought that being Mormon meant you didn't drink Coca Cola!!  That was our total understanding of what being a Mormon was!  Thanks for such a beautiful letter.


Dixie and I visited and spent our time just being together.  She is taking a lot more oxygen.  She was tired of her living room looking like sick bay so she had the oxygen moved, from her living room, back into her office.  She has a steady oxygen from the two huge tanks and then daily uses 3-4 of the cylinder tanks for extra boost.  you sort of grasp the gravity of the situation, when you see it all lined up.

She loves to putter, when she can, like cooking brussel sprouts!  She still dresses with full make-up on most days.  We had a surprise when her daughter Laura and my granddaughter popped in to see us from Utah.  They scared us as we were in the walk-in closet off the bathroom, she was tired, wouldn't stop pulling clothes that she wanted me to take and I said...I'm counting to 5 and turning the light off.  you have to sit down!  I counted down, flipped off the light, and looked towards her bedroom and screamed as these two zombies were standing there with sober faces.  Then Dixie screamed and it was havoc.  Wonderful visit for a day.

Dixie- Puttering in her kitchen.

Her Brussel sprouts were yummy!

Dixie with her Daughter Laura

My granddaughter Britta and I.

I left Terry with soup etc. all cooked/packaged/frozen.  He claims he couldn't find it and opted to buy a raft load of cold cereal!!  So much for nutrition!!
Like eating air!!

Soup that he couldn't find!!

Speaking of Terry...he did a Lego that Kip gifted him with!  It was really fun for him.

My builder!!


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