Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Heading out...

Intentions.  The road to you know where is paved with good intentions!  and I'm not talking aobut upper level celestial living!  Bottom line is...to scattered.  so unfocused so therefore not staying on task!

Excuses out of the way!  Forging ahead dragging my homemade/self-made wagon of store pallets.  All piled high with those must-dos/want-tos and the reality of not-dos outweighing everything.  I keep thinking this regrouping will stop!  Then realize-- I'm the driver of this rig!  I'm the one that puts the pedal to the metal or jams on the brake!

Slowing down and breathing deep.  Dr. tests and all those tests?...are all okay!  well, so far.  Still waiting on the reading of the 24 hour heart monitor for the Hubby.  And for me...needing a new Dr.???  She said I need to lose weight!  Humph!  I drowned myself in Chinese food that night and my fortune cookie read....
Keep up the good work.
You will be rewarded.


I did contact the Dentist (my nightmare!!)  Well, online I contacted them.  They sent a note and said...call our office for an appointment.  I finally got up my nerve and called and made an appointment after a tooth chipped!  but I did make it and then yesterday cancelled it!!  Just cause...I'm leaving this morning to see my sister.  She is not doing as good as she was.  I just feel the need to go visit and Terry felt the same way....I need to go.  So...our son will watch out for his Dad (not to compare on any level but we do watch out for his doggies, our Grand-pups, when he goes to Kirkland).  I'm heading to the bank at 9 and will hit the pavement.

Lots of time to mull and think and ponder and regroup  (one more time!!)

I must tell you that we had the best Conference ever.  It was historic.  All the ducks lined up and we met in our Chapel, along with Toppenish Ward, and other chapels in our Stake doubled up, so it opened in Yakima and then switched to SLC!!  It was amazing!  The Spirit just flowed through the screen and it was a bit of heaven.  Using all of this technology is so incredible.  I know they worked so hard here, to get everything up and running.  We will now be able to hear more from SLC leaders and that will unite the Church even more.  I felt it was a regional meeting although it was billed as a Special Stake Conference.  Fantastic!!  I, by the way, am so ready for General Conference! 

The Laurels that I teach....I am in love with these YW!!  They are precious to me!  Love being their teacher.  We never know how long we will serve but I'm enjoying the ride and wheels on the bus are still rolling so I'll treasure it until the gas runs out!

No promises except...I'll check in when I get home in a week!

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