Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beautiful Words...

When does one fall in love with books?  How does it happen?  Surely it began with hearing my Mother's voice as she read a chapter to us each evening out of a book and we begged for just one more!!  please!!  I never remember her complying but I also never remember her missing a night. 

Uncle Wiggly- with his rheumatism and needed walking stick and nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy and each chapter ending with a tease about some far fetched possible happening that would prevent the next chapter... if the sunflower doesn't shine in the face of the clock, and make it's hands go whizzing around backwards...then the promise of being told about the next adventure would happen.

Uncle Remus- a fast pace rhythmical heavily accented story with the likes of Br'er Rabbit and the tar baby and the pleading to please!!! don't throw me in the briar patch....a ploy to save his own skin.

Little Orphan Annie- she would read this several times to assuage our begging!

Was that where I became a book lover?  The stories?  The comfort of my Mother's voice as she read to us?... The coziness of feeling warm within?...way beyond my flannel nightgown warmed outside.

Could be.  Could be.  

I loved the feel of books in my hands.  I loved the feel of the paper...the look of the font...any illustrations...every word whether inside or outside.  AND I even loved the smell of the book.

In grade school, while buildings were being built, we went to school in old Army Quonset huts.  I thought nothing of it as that is just what we were doing.  Alaska was young and maybe that had something to do with there not being lots of old books that were re-used year after year.  We'd get new books at times.

I remember the teacher explaining to us about the care of a new book and to gently take a few pages at a time and open them out and then gently run our splayed fingers down the middle.  To be careful and not just snap the book open.  The care of the book spine was key to keeping the book in good shape.  I could never resist holding the book close to my face and breathing in the scent and stroking the pages. 

I found that feeling stayed with me when I got scriptures.  I love the feel of the paper in the softback Book of Mormon.  I love the heft of my quad in my hands and the softness of the pages and their hardiness as I flick back and forth and mark and underline and jot notes.

My love of stories in books and books themselves has transferred to my Scriptures.  Unlike pretend tales of talking rabbits, be they Br'er or Uncle Wiggly, I find promises of treasure awaiting...Promised treasures not for the asking but for the doing!  I can leaf through those delicate but strong pages with faded gilded edges and find recipes for living.  Things to do...actions for desired results that will enrich my life!  The if/then rule in written form.

I've always had faith in the basic rule of achieving blessings as found in Doctrine and Covenants 130:20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
 21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
132: For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were instituted from before the foundation of the world.

My love of love of Gospel love and testimony were all so beautifully said in a recent talk we listened to by President Kimball when he was Elder Kimball.  I have re-read these words over and over.  To me they are sheer poetry.  I just LOVE them. 

I just picture quietly gently turning the pages and absorbing the necessary action for specific blessings ...just like poring over the Sear Roebuck Christmas catalog when I was a girl and dreaming of the offerings on the pages...I see that reaching for the stars, and catching one, is truly possible if I want to pay the payment price of obedience and faith of expectation.

Oh, wow!!  do I treasure these beautiful words below!!!  I decided to not embolden them as I wanted to do it all! but I don't know if I can resist!!  Don't you love these few words????  Reminds me of Hymn 271- Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love


And remembering that life is a time of rewards and punishments, may we consider the positive side today for a while, the rewards which come from him for obedience.
All these blessings to all of us who remember the sayings and walk in obedience.
There are depths in the sea which the storms that lash the surface into fury never reach. They who reach down into the depths of life where, in the stillness, the voice of God is heard, have the stabilizing power which carries them poised and serene through the hurricane of difficulties.

There are so many beautiful promises. To read the scriptures and turn the pages, and it seems that it is almost all rewards, evidence of living the commandments of the Lord.
“For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing.” (D&C 132:5.)
All this—what more could be desired or asked for? All these blessings and numerous others to every one of us who is willing to live the commandments and be truthful and honorable in our dealings.

(Excerpts from talk by Elder Spencer W. Kimball CR 1973 - 
The Rewards, the Blessings, the Promises - here)

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