Monday, February 16, 2015

Great Vision!!!

What an amazing surgery this cataract removal experience was!!...Long distant vision is so clear and really works in reading roadsigns.  Two more weeks of wearing sunglasses, when needed, and one more appointment for final check and this phase on my health repair is over!!  So glad!!!!  Thankful!!! 

The computer screen is so bright as are overhead lights and sunshine so I just slip sunglasses on. lights are dimmed.  no problem! it's great!

He said I could resume my regular life and I am doing of work list- to tackle yard work in hopes I'm ready for Spring.  Things that should have been done ages ago are now going to meet their doom!!  To the dump!!  I don't want Spring to arrive and start to grow on top of junk so I'm ready for the battle!!  Over due and over grown but within the realm of possibility!


We are fast adjusting to our new norm and I feel fine to take it on.  Terry is doing the best he can and he is the one having more trouble adjusting.  First of all he does not like change so his health has changed and he had no say in the matter.  His strength has diminished and that is a source of huge frustration and discouragement.  Not complaining about it to you, just letting you know a couple of our challenges.

Sunday he and I talked about having an attitude of gratitude.  Looking at the glass half-filled...finding goodness and good things in all things.  Expressing thanks for so much of good in our lives.  And it is there!!!


I started to chop on my hair with my pinking shears and suddenly had an aha! moment!!!!  I told you my hairdresser closed her shop and you know I have a really bad habit, of waiting until it's an emergency on hair length, to get it bobbed.  It dawned on me...SuperCuts!  made for people like me, that never end up looking like they feel they should look or want to look.  no appointment needed.  Just drop in!!  Yes!  

I found one picture to show the way I'd like it cut (it never works that way!!!)  My artiste-- was young.  a huge tattoo on her arm. (scissors stabbing the center of a rose??)  another large colored tattoo flower up the side of her neck.  black hair, flawless white skin.  gorgeous young thing with a short adorable hair style, for her thick hair.  she confessed that she'd shaved her head last Sept. and this was the growth since then.

I then showed her my picture of my dream haircut.  Okay...she said.  I relaxed and smiled.  this is great!!!  a very simple question from you want the sides trimmed?  me...just a bit.  Next thing I knew I had hair shorter on the sides than Terry!!'s been an adjustment for sure.  Young people (under 50) were kind and complimentary... I love it!!  Older people (60+) reassured me... it will grow out quickly!  Terry got himself in hot water, right off the bat, by telling me I had a bald spot on the right side of my head!!  

Truth be told- I ended up liking it.  Especially, when Betsy said it makes your face looked thinner.  Now I do not see that but I liked hearing it! 


Sunday I taught the YW on purity/chastity/virtue and all points that might be awkward but our class felt comfy/cozy/relaxed.  Now that is how they appeared to me visually.  I  hope they weren't screaming and mortified and horrified in their thoughts and wishing the floor would open up and swallow them.  I hope they listened and will remember at least some of of what I said.


thanks for your love, support and encouragement!  I'm back to blogging!

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