Tuesday, December 9, 2014

good morning!

I'm up.  Terry is still snoozing.  I went to bed snarly and woke up nice.  You know how restorative a few hours of good sleep are.  I tried to find that blog.  I'll just do another one but not at this moment as I need to tend to doing things like using our new Vacuum.  Merry Christmas to us!!

I don't know if you saw this but in case you didn't, I wanted to share a comment from Jeanne (the one in the hospital trying to not deliver a preemie).  here is her note...


Sweet Nancy, thank you so much for the prayers you have sent and the prayers requested on our behalf!! Baby is doing good. My blood pressure is being controlled, and my headaches are able to be less severe with medicines. I KNOW it is because of the power of our Father.

I am so very thankful that we have the ability to call down the powers of Heaven on our, and others, behalf. When I was on my mission, I was reading about prayer in the bible dictionary. One phrase that has stuck with me is that "The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them."

Oh how I see this principle in my own parenting! Naomi is famous for not wanting to have her diaper changed. There are times that I take over and just change her when needed, and there are times that I just wait until she asks for me to change her. I see the Father doing the same thing. I'm sure there are many times that He steps in and just blesses us because He loves us. But there are also times where Father is just aching to help us, but will not intervene until we humble ourselves and ask.

I've rambled on long enough. :) Thank you for the prayers, and know that I am praying for you and your family too! 


I took the liberty of enhancing the part that I so believe in.  Isn't it wonderful to read what a woman of faith, like Jeanne, puts into her daily life?  In a round about way that BD definition fits in with Elder Uchtdorf Woman's Conference quote.  Sometimes we block the blessings.

Best Quotes from Oct 2014 #LDSconf

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