Monday, December 15, 2014


Last year, Terry had said, that he might not have the get up and go to do all the decorating.  He put the boxes where he could get to them just in case he could still muster up the oomph.  We made one huge mistake.  True we were prepared that it might not work out BUT we did not prepare a minimal box.  One that had a garland, the nativities and a couple of other things that we enjoy.  IF we had a single box, just for minimal decorations, we would have had a much easier time, preparing  for Christmas the way we like to do it, in a more abbreviated way.  the year from 2013 to now?...the boxes are buried!  somewhere! 

 The tree still hasn't passed the sniff test and is still hanging out back.  True it has improved but not enough to warrant a permit slip for entry indoors.

One wreath smelled so good and we usually have indoors and one on the front I bought another but forgot to pick up the hangar as the regular ones are buried in the garage so Terry hung it on the doorknob and I think that is it!  I put the two nativities out and the rest are also buried in the time capsule aka our garage.  We feel the Spirit and that is what matters.


so we have been doing a lot of thinking and a lot of talking and Terry has been doing a lot of struggling (in a brave way! with a lot of neuralgia pain this last week which renders him sleep deprived).  He is unable to do what he wants to do.

Those are things that we needed to address.  We have job descriptions and divvy things up.  He is rather adamant that what is his to do, is his, and not mine.  I'm not to touch anything on his to do list!!  (Viking thing!)

So he rakes the leaves and I'm not to help.  Actually it's more like he starts to rake the leaves, I'm not to help, with what didn't get finished, because he will do it.  It's his to do etc. etc.  He moves the chairs off the front porch but I'm not to move the tables or rug or leaves as he is going to do it, because it is on his list

The big vacuum cleaner box will be moved.  By him.  Also the tools over by the fireplace that were used on the heater repair.  And the two big boxes the air filters came in...that need to go to the garage.  Don't touch them.  Oh, did I mention he does ALL the dishes??  Still!  But...if he's not able to do them...might I take care of that???  Uh, no.  He will do it.  

Inside or outside.  Hands off. was getting a bit smoky in here.  Not high heat with flames but a bit scorchy.  He was in bed for the morning after a sleepless night and I hauled and carried and moved and did dishes and just sort of general tidied up things that had been quite a bit of time piling up.

When he woke up...he did not run and buy me flowers and thank me for helping.  So the Missourian Mule and the Nordic Viking had a rather animated word battle.  Not pretty.  Thank heavens for being empty nesters and no one here to witness such rude behavior and loud voices.

Calming down, you have to do that to endure each other and make that eternal marriage goal, we regrouped and it turned out marvelous.  The Lord is so good to all of us as we plod/plunge through mortality, don't you think?

We decided to just be thankful.  Just be grateful for whatever got done. Not wish it was more.  Accept with gratefulness whatever got done by whoever could do it. If one of us couldn't step up to the plate and hit a homer then the other would pinch-hit.  We would both just be totally thankful that one of us was up to the task at hand.  No selfish talk of ...but that is mine to do!  not yours!  We aren't fighting over toys here or who is right and staking out territory and putting yellow crime scene tapes to set a trap.  We are partners and we want to work together.  In harmony.  Can you hear the little bluebirds of happiness twittering/tweeting over here??

We hugged and kissed and got back in our somewhat rickety wagon, for our sometimes very bumpy mortal ride. 

Then we had a stupendous event happen!!

We were so moved by the monumental shift we had made in who does what, and just expressing gratitude to each other,  that we decided to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie!  Saving the North Pole.  We both, in our tenderness, were feeling teary.  Yes.  Teary over the North Pole!!  And right then a loud knock got our attention. 

Imagine my one was there BUT this precious gift of love!  So then we were tearful over 6 cookies with a sweet note!!  I'm sure others got some but no one could possible be as thankful for that sweet thoughtful gesture as us.  I cherish the plate!

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