Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Life goes on...

Yesterday I went to the Temple with a friend, that I've mentioned before, Rose.  She is the one that has battled cancer.  Her condensed story would be...diagnosed with cancer/given one year to live/goes through treatment/has final scan etc./takes a week-end getaway with husband to see flowers in Skagit Valley area while awaiting outcome/declared in remission!/husband has massive heart attack/5 stints put in right side of heart/ends up in Virgina Mason/5 hour bypass surgery on left side happening this morning.

So...we are standing in Temple waiting to go into are session and she sees the envelope packet I'm holding and asks where I got it.  It has my name embroidered as well as our Columbia River Temple and it's name.

I told her I didn't know where it was purchased as it was a gift.  The same friend also bought me a lace trimmed hanky with the Nauvoo Temple embroidered in one corner.  It is still in it's original plastic wrap.  I just keep it in the bottom of my Temple bag.  My late friend...Myra Faye.  The gift giver.

Today is the death anniversary of Myra Faye.  I miss her and always at this time of year I reminisce about our friendship.  I met her the first night I arrived from Alaska, in our move to Washington, at a RS activity.

Last week I was thinking that it's been almost 3 years since she passed away.  I was feeling sentimental and remembered her telling me one day.  I want to take you for a ride and show you my most favorite place in all of Yakima.

I decided to go revisit that favorite place.  It's up off of Summitview.  Called Linden Way.  I can't remember for sure but I thought she said it reminded her of her hometown of Chicago?  or maybe just the sheer beauty of it?  or the trees where she lived?  I called her husband Bob and he couldn't remember either except for the fact that it was her most favorite street and they went there every once in awhile.  Especially Christmastime.

Linden Way? Linden Wood? It's a dead-end block-long street with turn of the century houses that are magnificent.  the houses go down both sides of the street and smack-dab at the end is a gigantic house, with some sort of building going on right now.  There are huge trees lining the street on both sides and they sort of seem to form an archway.  These are not cottages!  (although I did notice the first house on the left looked out of place and more ordinary and not kept up like the others.)

I remembered her telling me that the area up there was Historic. One tidbit I read said that the residents wanted the entire neighborhood/Linden way street declared "historical" and not just the individual homes.  There are several homes in that area that are deemed historical. 

Seems to me when Myra Faye took me there, the 22nd St. sign was not posted.  My imaginings?  I see the hand painted sign is still in place.

It's gorgeous or as Myra Faye would say...Glorious!  My

I miss my friend and I also miss my sister, Dixie.  A year ago I was bustling back and forth to Eagle as she was in the last few weeks of life.  I think the first year is one of the hardest in a loss.  There are just so many habits and connections and traditional behaviors and events of shared celebrations.  So many traditions, large or tiny, that are part of a loving relationship.  Loving means the whole ball of wax.  I still miss her bossy mouth.  and she would say that I'm a bossy mouth also.  Mortal sisters...eternal love.  almost one year.  sigh. Reliving those last few weeks.  Bittersweet.

Life just keeps on a goin', doesn't it?  Today is our son's birthday and also we celebrate his youngest daughters birth.  He is such a fine son.  I love my boys.  They are good to us but that isn't why I love them.  I just love them.  Period.

Memories...of my precious 5 children...their dozen two greats...and most especially my HoneyBunchHubby!!!  My Viking that keeps on endeavouring to win the battle of life and get stronger.  He went to Sacrament and that was wonderful to experience being together.

And you.  I love my readers.  My friends.  My heart connection with those invisible strands across the miles.

Waxing sentimental today for sure.  Listening to the CD from that book that I ordered.  The LDS songbook one.  It is terrific!!  The beauty of the book and the story of how it came about are just totally inspiring.  It is exciting to hear new music and read words from the Book of Mormon.  Why haven't I heard more about this before?  Or did I and I didn't listen? Both of these women were totally inspired and what a blessing to hear and read and sing (well, try to!) these sacred words.  Words that I love.  Just like you do.  Order the book and use it!!  Wonderful words to get into your kiddo's brain!!  And yours too!

(I just finished listening to both CD's.  I'd use those for family night!  I've never heard such wonderful piano accompaniment to Sister Perry's songs.  Her songs are of course familiar.  These new ones, the ones from the Book of Mormon are a different sound.  I read the words and they are powerful.  they are scripture.  I'd start with Moroni's Promise (138) and The Standard of Truth (143).  I'd want that in my children's mind for sure.)


Shannon said...

Linden Way is the most dreamy, beautiful street I've ever seen. I always told Michael if we ever moved to Yakima, I wanted it to be on that street. I drive by it four times a year, just to enjoy it's beauty and serenity.

Nancy Seljestad said...

Take me with you next time you go!