Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Happy thoughts...

3 of my Laurels are Seniors and getting ready to leave home and start that part of their journey of independence, self-discovery and hopefully increased spirituality through greater conversion.  As a gospel teacher you always hope that your students can feel that you really believe and have a conviction of what you are teaching them.

Today I was thinking about them and thinking about my own testimony and how thankful I am for always digging around and trying to understand a concept of doctrine more fully.

Here are some areas that I'm thankful for in my life...

The Restoration! That was the focus in YW Sunday meeting for April.  The Apostasy and Restoration.  I've been reading from the manual featuring President Hinckley (I still miss him!). I liked how he said that the age of Renaissance and the Reformation and the Reformers and even the American Revolutionary War all moved things forward for the Restoration!

It has really impressed me that the Restoration was saved for the very last days.  AND so were we!  Here we are in 2017 and the Restored Church, our Church, has only been back here for 177 years.  We see things just barreling forward on all fronts, just as prophesied.  Darkness/evil increasing and spreading abroad and Light/GospelGoodness also spreading abroad.  All things growing.  the good and the bad.  the wheat and the tares.  

The Restoration didn't come in the middle of things.  The Restoration was saved to come at the end.  In the Last Days.  Just like us!

I love the feeling that God is over all.  Let's just hold to the rod!

Temples!  Who can even imagine the number of Temples being built.  I recently listened to the contractor on how Temples come about and how they are built and he said something so telling.  At least to me it was.  He was telling about the infrastructure and said...me paraphrasing...We don't build Temples to last 100 years.  We build Temples to last through the Millennium. (or did he say "into"?  instead of "through"?)  Anyhow...it's not just for now.  It took me by surprise and I loved hearing him say that (even if I'm paraphrasing what he said!)

I've been reading that RS book about President Hinckley and there is a quote about Temples that I don't remember reading before.  I love it!  Read the entire marvelous Chapter 23 here  Here is the quote that I enjoyed so much....

I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the House of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you. Now, please, please, my beloved brethren and sisters, avail yourselves of the great opportunity to go to the Lord’s house and thereby partake of all of the marvelous blessings that are yours to be received there.32

I actually resisted copying the entire Chapter. It starts on page 309. What a find on a brief compilation of the worth of our Temples!  At least read it and see if I'm not right!!

On my mind today also...Grace/Atonement-Repentance/Modern Revelation.

The Gospel is just wonderful and I enjoy it so very much.  In my heart...it is true!!!

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