Thursday, October 27, 2011


Sometimes it feels like the warranties are expiring with my friends mortal bodies.  Is there some sort of coded expiration date on all of us!!  Maybe that is where the word expired comes from.  A few of my peers are facing really serious disease beyond aches and pains of aging.  This is when the refiners fire is sorely felt.

Today I was visiting with a friend that got dreadfully tough news from a biopsy.  This is about endurance and faith and staying the course as we make our way through mortality. when we get hit with the harshness of happenings in our bodies, that we can't simply wash or wish away, we can't quit.  These are tests of faith for those going through tough times and also for those of us watching them tread along.

My belief is in the validity of the Scriptures and knowing that God does not lie. Therefore if I can find something written in the Standard Works or spoken at a General Conference by those authorized then I hold onto those words as Gospel truth.  I take them at face value and I embrace them. They sustain me. 

Today as I thought of my friend and what she is facing, I mulled over 
1 Nephi 19:23,24-....I did liken all scripture unto us that it might be for our profit and learning....liken them unto yourselves.
I wonder what scriptures she holds onto when the going gets rough?  I realize that I don't know.  

In the past I wondered how Peter, who experienced so much firsthand with the Savior, was unable to stay on top of things literally.  Why did he sink?  Why did he lose faith?  Later I came to understand, at least for me, his faith didn't waver as much as he lost focus.  His vision shifted, he wasn't paying attention to the task at hand and he lost his miraculous footing.  He started walking toward the Savior But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid: and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him.... (Matt. 14:22-33) 

He lost his concentration.  When he saw/focused/looked at the storm around him then he sunk.  When I find myself sinking with the buffetings of my own life storms and feel myself overwhelmed and sinking- then I think of Peter, take a deep breath, refocus my mind to clarity, look away from the rough weather, and say a prayer ...Lord, save me... I am helped as Peter was.  Not that things are removed but it's as if I'm sheltered and I'm not being tossed in the storms of my personal life at that time.  I hope to share that with my friend.  Maybe she already has that as one of her lifelines but I'll still share and bear my testimony to her of it's truthfulness.  Maybe she will find strength and solace when she starts to sink.

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