Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Callings and Releases

Two words that are a part of the lifeblood of our Church with it's lay ministry are Callings and Releases.  New words to learn when you join the Church.  Sunday I got released as our Ward Relief Society President.  When I was called 5+ years ago I knew that I would serve for an undetermined amount of time and I needed to make hay while sun was shining as it wasn't going to last forever (and that's good to know!).  Those Priesthood men in Ward leadership, pray and receive inspiration as to who to call.  Releases are to come by that same inspiration.  A release does not mean you haven't done a good job and maybe you are still doing a good job, but eventually for all Ward members, the clock does strike 12 and you are left with one glass slipper filled with fantastic memories

My original call was not from the current Bishop.  I absolutely did not want to be the RSP.  I tried to persuade him, suggest other names of more qualified people, told him why it wouldn't work out, told him to rethink, repray, reevaluate and get back to me.  It was pathetic with me crying and ranting and whining.  Yes, I have a strong testimony and yes, I understand callings but I simply did not want to be the leader of the pack.  I wanted to follow the leader not be the leader.  I had never once been in a RS Presidency.  I'd payed no attention to what was going on except for bemoaning inwardly lengthy announcements when all I wanted was to hear a Gospel message.  I had no past experience to draw on.  2 days later I accepted the call.  I'm so thankful I did. 

When I joined the Church (umpteen million years ago) I remember the Bishop wanting to extend a call for me to teach in Primary.  I said to him- Oh, I don't have a teacher's certificate....  He explained how it worked in the Church and I fell in love with teaching the Gospel, feeling the Spirit, receiving inspiration, growing in knowledge, feeling the joy and excitement of serving.  Teaching a Gospel class is my absolute most favorite thing to to in the Church!  I learned through experience that the Lord does bless us with these callings.  No matter what they are.  Even RSP.

After accepting that calling, going to Temple, praying and doing every thing on earth to feel the Spirit and longing for divine direction, it did come.  I knew precisely through personal revelation what was to be done during my time of service.  I wrote it all down.  My marvelous counselors- Chelle and Cheryl- patiently listened to my excited lengthy chatter as I went systematically down the list of what we were to accomplish.  Then we rolled up our sleeves and went to work.

We had ups and downs, successes and challenges, love from others and sometimes not so much on the warm fuzzy meter!  A new Bishop was sustained.  We stayed intact. Through it all we laughed, loved, enjoyed each other and did our original plan.  Then Cheryl went to Primary.  Chelle went to Library.  and Christina and Melissa entered.  and Jackie.  We forged ahead.  I was still in the same spot.

Sometimes I'd feel that I'd overstayed my welcome.  Sometimes I'd feel like I wish I could have been released right at the very top of the excitement.  Sometimes I felt maybe people were tired of me.  Sometimes I'd doubt myself.  I'd tell the Bishop....I did my list!  I have no new ideas!  I'd tell him I'd not be hurt to be released.  He would pray and I would stay.  Loving and enjoying what I was doing and hoping that people weren't ready to do some sort of a removal from office petition, the journey continued.  

This calling has been so exciting and fun and it's thrilling to see things transpire that drew us all together.  It was wonderful.  Bishop was feeling that I'd been in to long.  I was of the opinion that we all serve somewhere so why not here if an answer wasn't forthcoming?  He kept praying.

I was in ID taking care of our daughter after surgery and I talked to Bishop about some other things and he asked when I was coming home.  My husband had told me earlier...I think Bishop is ready to release you... so I knew it was coming.  A few days later I headed home, and as I'd told the Bishop I'd call him when I was on my way, I called him outside of Sunnyside and told him I'd be home that evening but I was to tired to meet with him.  So the next evening Terry and I went over to meet with him.  I was released.

A release time is to come through inspiration just like the calling time.  Bishop simply said....wellllll- I'm releasing you as our Relief Society President and want to thank you for your service.  The Stake is going to extend a call to you but I'm not going to tell you what that is.....  then we chatted for a bit about our marvelous years of serving together.

It had been a very special time.  We'd shared lots of behind the scenes happenings that are privately handled with confidentiality, lots of humor, heartache over those suffering, who was mad at one of us (usually him!) and concern over the Ward as a whole.  It's a hard thing to be a Bishop.  (that's another blog log! I think I'll call it Playing nice in the Sandbox.  I'll do that entry this week!) 

  True I was not going to be RSP but that didn't mean I wasn't still a Ward sister, or they couldn't contact me or vice versa.  I'd drawn close to a lot of women over the years and that would continue.

My husband had  told me at various times to keep up the pace and not end up being released and feeling regret or guilt.  To not stop what I knew needed to be done.  That was good counsel!  I have over 5 years of fantastic memories to stack up along side some of my other Church callings that live only in my mind.  I can hit replay and relive all of those terrific times.  I have so many with this particular one.  I wouldn't wish being RSP on any woman but I would wish for every woman to experience being RSP as it's a privilege and a blessing and not many get to do it.  I was fortunate enough to experience that once in my life!

The new RSP?  small world.  Cheryl.  yes.  the sister that served with me when this whole adventure began!!  Today she sent out her first RS email Announcement and I got teary over seeing something so familiar come to my inbox.  It felt right and I was so happy and amazed that things are continuing as when we began.  Changes will come but for now that felt comforting. 

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