Monday, October 24, 2011

Hornet's Nest?

A bit of soap-boxing!  Me on a rant?  or just expressing my viewpoint?  Take it for what it's worth...a grain of salt?  2 cents?  a plug nickel?  hot air?  You decide.

When I joined the Church I had the mistaken idea that all members were perfect and I was truly amongst saints.  Then I saw a man smoking that I'd seen in Church on Sunday.  I cried for ages in confusion and sadness.  It was the beginning of me being introduced to this fact  ...the Church is a hospital for sinners and not a sanctuary for saints.  Also remember that quote on kindness by Elder Wirthlin a week or so back?

Our Ward was formed several years ago.  Actually it was August 1992.  so that makes it 19 years ago!!  right?  Longer than I thought!  Anyhow, it was fun being in on the beginning of that formation.  We've tried to be a friendly welcoming ward and have pretty much felt we have done okay- most of the time.

there are always some disgruntled folks, dissatisfied folks, faultfinders etc. etc.  there are always some that don't like the leadership or how things are going or feeling there are protocol violations.  These are vocal folks and I don't mean choir members!  Lovable irritants. The Gospel Net catches all kinds of fish (a blog for another day!)  That sort of unpleasant behavior is in every Ward.  Hopefully it's minimal!  It sort of ebbs and flows.  Comes and goes.  One calms down and another rises up. back and forth. zig and zag.

When we go to Church every Sunday and then once or twice during the week to take care of callings we have, we see each other a lot.  The commonality that we all have is a belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We may live different lives, differing occupations, different economic levels.  We may be at entirely different stages of life.  We may irritate or bother each other just by our personalities.   Our differences sometimes divide us and things get a bit heated occasionally.

The really biggie though is when families/friends are struggling with what I call tundra fires.  In Alaska, a tundra fire can flame, be put out and it's over.  Well, it seems over but actually what it does is just seethe below the surface and maybe a little wind or just spontaneous combustion sets it off!  sometimes there is warning smoke and sometimes it just springs forth with fire.  sometimes there are multiple fires going all at once.  Tundra can't really be trusted to ever have fully died down.

When families are working their way through personal problems, that we try to overlook, not pay attention to, and ignore the happenings...sometimes those things just become so evident that visible stress abounds even if we don't know details.  

Why am I talking about this???!!!  because tonight I got asked about my feelings on how things like this should be handled or what I would say or something like that and I really was vocal!  Stating that it's none of my business.  I don't want to hear about it because if 2 factions are trying to figure things out and I listen to one and sympathize etc. then I've, in essence, chosen sides.  If I choose sides then I'm contributing to causing a division in my Ward.  Also I'm placing myself in a seat of judgement, which the Bishop owns right now!!  I have no idea what is really going on.  My creed is- even the thinnest of pancakes has two sides. 

I don't know what the bottom line is in the entire scenario.  I know people end up wounded on both sides.  Both sides are filled with wonderful people.  Both sides have active Ward members that I love and sustain.  All have testimonies. All go to the Temple. I consider them all friends.  Solution?  Advice?  I have none!  my opinion?  I best just tend my own nest that at times has little messies in it! 

Hooray, for all concerned of these folks in the middle of confusion, strife, estrangement...they are still coming to Church!!  still carrying out their responsibilities!  trying to work things through!  visiting the Temple!  Yes, it's unfortunate that some things are visible but if I turn a blind eye and keep my yap firmly closed then I can give them some space. What goes around comes around.  I want to be treated like that when my time of challenges is exposed and somewhat out for all to see. 

Usually we have problems solved confidentially.  minimal people involved. I love that because the person can work through things, solve it or whatever, and just move ahead.  Confidentiality allows all of us to not have our personal things in others memory banks.  I want to give these folks the dignity of working through their personal turmoil in privacy even though some of it is public.  If I give it no heed then I don't re-ignite a tundra fire by blowing hot air on it.

In situations like this, with two varied conflicting viewpoints, let's choose neither and instead go with the choice of being a follower of Jesus Christ.  Love all and pray for all concerned!


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