Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Callings...inspiration or desperation?

According to the Handbook, two sentences from
Section 19. Callings in the Church...

Leaders seek the guidance of the Spirit in determining whom to call.

Leaders keep information about proposed callings and releases confidential. 

This is tricky business with several people involved on these callings and releases.  I do feel it's important that both of these 2 sentences be observed.

The Church provides a basic Ward structure outlined in the Handbook.  Peopled with Ward members this allows the local membership full access to the programs of the Church.  There are no unimportant callings.  All are needed to provide us the widest fullest deepest religious experience we can have.  Our cumulative Ward service blesses all of our lives to feel the Spirit, to grow in the Gospel, to feel the fellowship & connection of the local members.  So it's important that people be called, that people accept callings and most important of all that people DO their Church callings (that is a blog for another time.  those that are no-shows!).

It's very important to me to have that confirmation of Spirit that I'm suppose to serve in the particular calling extended.  I never got that for being involved as a Cub master years ago.  There are no sparklies for my hoped for crown on that one!  On other callings I knew at once.  On some I'd had preparation by the Spirit that it was coming.  On some it came after accepting the call to serve.  Like the RSP calling that I was just released from.  After all the 2-day squalling, bawling, whining, lamenting and finally saying...yes...then came the blessing of personal revelation.

Personal revelation for a particular calling is just the best feeling in the world.  One reason is because of the great Spiritual experience.  The really biggie to me is this.... When I receive personal revelation as to a path to follow, things to be accomplished, how to do things (and maybe some whys) then no matter what happens, no matter what people say, no matter if they don't care for me (another blog this week!), no matter if they don't like the direction things are doesn't matter!  

I remember 2 moments of high drama with Chelle and Cheryl, overwhelmingly difficult, wondering how we could possibly handle an impossible situation, me boohooing and dumping raw emotions all over the table. It was tough but that conviction that we were doing what we were to do, in the way we were doing it and we would be blessed for doing our mapped out errand list, that we'd jointly agreed to accomplish, just gave me/us courage to move forth. 

Once those pesty brush fires are put out and you dust yourself off, then I think there is nothing greater in life, than to have a Church calling.  Your own little corner in the Kingdom's garden to tend and care for and help it grow.  I love that!  I loved the involvement with so many wonderful women.  Their acceptance of me as I am and encouraging me to be myself!  Talking and laughing and sharing pain and joy and struggles and overcomings.  Wonderful!  And those friendships will ever be a part of my heart.

In my new Stake calling, I know I'm to do this.  I have no idea at this point what I'm to do.  A couple of nebulous ideas but nothing concrete.  Excuse me....perhaps if someone could set me apart!?...yes.  that would help!!  I need to call and set that in motion because my phone is not dingalinging!  I slipped through a crack? 

Are all callings inspiration?  truly I think not.  don't boo me.  just my feeling.  I do believe that the poor soul thus called will be in shell shock but somehow or other the Lord will bless them and the Ward won't suffer.  The person may!  But the Ward will just keep moving on.  Why do I feel that way?  Because I know that there are times that desperate measures bring out desperate decisions.  It doesn't happen very often, rarely, and the person is usually short-lived in the calling. Those issuing the calls are doing the best they can.  Maybe they are worn out?  who knows?  doesn't have any impact on my faith or testimony or confidence in the local powers that be.

I've been extremely blessed in my Church callings.  I've had a varied lot and enjoyed the challenge but the most rewarding thing about serving is always personal revelation. It keeps popping up when needed and especially when asked for.  That communication from the Holy Ghost is amazing, isn't it?

My being released as RSP was known by a lot of people and that's not pleasant to think about, in light of that 2nd sentence, quoted at the top of page.  keeping callings and releases private until sustained or released adds a bit of excitement to the change.  Then we can all guess!  It's little nothings like that, sharing things out of turn, that actually end up offending some people.  (offended people.  another blog for sure!)  My creed has a line....refuse to be offended.  You have to shake all these little minor infractions off.  I like the protocol as outlined in the Handbook. Hush-Hush!!

The Church is just so remarkably structured for Ward/Stake success.  For each of us to have the chance to serve is wonderful.  I enjoyed my time to serve as a Ward worker and I will enjoy this new adventure as a Stake worker!   It feels right and good and timely to let go of one and move on to another.  I'm happy!

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