Friday, January 11, 2019

Acting on desire...

For years I've had this desire to form some sort of a study group of women that want to get together and talk about the Gospel.  Not a get together socially and chat about things and munch on yummy food.  I hunger for a get together and talk about Churchy things.  Most specifically Churchy as in the focus being on the most recent General Conference talks.  And in that specificity, not singling out one talk but looking at them as a whole and what impressed or inspired or motivated or taught us something that we needed...or maybe something that hadn't dawned on us before and now we feel enlightened.  Maybe comforted or hope-filled.

The new structure of the Church has caused those feelings to well up and have brought me to a place of action...Action in fulfilling my personal desire to be with other women that are walking the covenant path, or desire to get on that path, and share our journey.

You know that I'm a General Conference nut and I'm eager to share my feelings and hear others.

Everyone has something they love to study or some hobby or talent or club.  I love Church in much the same way that quilters get together and enjoy sharing what they are doing and talking about the latest patterns and fabrics.  Much like any group that is passionate and filled with love and enjoyment for what they are participating those in theatre.  I have many things I enjoy but super enjoyment is studying the most recent General Conference talks!  There are those that this very thought, of studying this way, makes them yawn but I find them invigorating...hope-filled...prophetic...direction for living etc. etc.

Will do a little test run/pilot program! and then decide how to proceed!  Perhaps I will deep-six it or maybe I'll get up my courage and actually invite women!  Me...ever the coward!

Here is a wonderful scripture for all of us today...

Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.


Natalie Thompson said...

You go girl! I am back after my surgery and went through all of your blog that I have missed. How wonderful it would be to live close to you...I would join you in that group you would like and enjoy talking CHURCHY things with you. I am not 100% yet but will get there eventually. Anyone who has had a lumbar fusion will understand the challenge it poses for recovery. Nonetheless, I marvel at the wonderful things they are able to do medically these days. Hopefully I will be able to attend the temple soon...with my cane...and using the great elevators they have!

Nancy Seljestad said...

Oh, Natalie! Welcome back! Our son has had two back surgeries and that is one tough row you are hoeing!! I am thankful you are the road to recovery and looking forward to visiting the Temple. You will love it anew!

Thanks for encouraging me on desiring to talk CHURCHY! Terry wonders if I will become The Church Lady?! Remember Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live? Makes me laugh to even think of her. Hilarious!! At least at the time we watched it...way back when! Didn't she wear that hairnet???

Keep on keeping on, Natalie. Sending you love! xoxox