Wednesday, December 5, 2018

On Board

Recently, Terry and I, listened to a talk that really made me think.  I did not jot their name down so I can't remember who it was!!  Anyhow...he (whomever/whoever) mentioned the 9th article of faith, in light of the many changes happening in the Church...  and said we are okay up to...and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

You know that I believe in boarding that train on the covenant track now and not later.  Between that talk and President Nelson, and other Apostles, telling us that more changes are coming, I've thought about that 9th article of faith.  This morning as I was pondering I willing? I ready?...for whatever else is revealed--I read the footnotes in that 9th article and the one that really grabbed me was D&C 121:26-33  also referencing the TG to Scriptures to Come Forth leads to things to think about.

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