They did the entire meal...I best qualify their request Safeway prepared an entire Turkey Dinner plus a Ham Dinner with a variety of different side dishes for each one! Way to much food but it made for great grazing! We ended up making scalloped potatoes and turkey tetrazzini with some of the leftovers. Tomorrow I will make Terry's favorite- ham and Navy beans.
They wanted to help do things. They wanted to work and help us out. And wow!...they worked and did so many odd jobs that it was incredible! One of the fun projects...bringing the 72 hour packs in, from garage, so we could unpack them and regroup. We had a big backpack for each of us plus we had two big dufflebags and then things like a small Coleman stove and all sorts of bulky things to haul along.
Well, there is no way that I can haul all of that plus help Terry and a walker! We got a huge laugh out of some of the things we'd packed all those years (and years!) ago...a machete! Lots of MRE's that I'm sure even the military would reject! Huge goggle masks that looked like something from a science fiction movie! So many individual water packets that were now nothing but a flat foil pouch with nary a drop of water. We had a lot of fun -making fun of - what we'd packed! We had an assortment of everything imagineable!
After that sorting which was really a fun and games expereince...we opened the boxes from Costco that I bought a couple of years ago... it seems that long ago! And for the first time saw our new, sensible size, individual back packs with 5 days of food/water packets (yes. they have water). we will add some clothing and call it good. So we are ready if we are told to evacuate! Probably 2 blocks down to the Church!
Those two, Ben and Mo, worked like whirlwinds and tackled things that were beyond me right now. I so appreciated all of their deeds of kindness and done with such love. Family is so wonderful and of course I love mine beyond measure!!
I think it's important to try our utmost to do what the Church suggests on things like a pack at the ready and 3 months supply of food in our home pantries (we are overboard on that one). That is also how I feel about embracing this new program in January and, for we women,...finish reading the Book of Mormon by the end of December.
There is a lot of planning to do before the NT program starts. Technically it starts on Dec. 31st. So we need to decide what we want to do, in our home, for the two of us plus me, finishing the Book of Mormon. The nice thing is, once we get going, we have until April General Conference before they would most likely announce any more changes. That makes me feel good to think we can get 3 months experience under our belt with the current newness.
I think it's so vital to hop on board the ChangeTrain because several of the Apostles, including the Prophet, have told us there will be more changes. What on earth? What more can be changed??? That I don't know but this I do know...I don't want to be trying to play catch-up. I just want to give it my best, even if it's wobbly!, and not be overwhelmed with whatever else comes down the Pike!
Elder Holland recently made reference to more changes read entire article here
Elder Holland expressed a wish that members could be with him in the weekly temple meetings of the Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He noted that not all revelation in those meetings is shareable, but he promised that, after a year in which the church has announced multiple major initiatives, more are to come.
"The windows of revelation seem free and open and abundant," he said. "Since the moment he became president of the Church, Russell Nelson has been particularly open, particularly receptive and particularly entitled to revelation that is more public, is more sharable."
“If you think the Church has been fully restored, you’re just seeing the beginning. There’s much more to come.” From the restructuring of Melchizedek priesthood quorums to temple announcements and a change to a more “home-centered Church,” members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are experiencing a rush of revelation from President Russell M Nelson.
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