Thursday, November 15, 2018

Still here!!

I'm still here!!  Plugging along!

yesterday I did something that I honestly can't believe I did it!!  I actually threw away my old Ensigns!  Now I know, I really do know that all things are available on line, but you know...I'm a paper gal.  A hold it in my hand...smooth the pages and relish the moment of reading.  Many years ago I pitched all I had as we were moving Stateside.  Then I felt lonely for the Ensign so I started saving again.  The furthest back they went was to 1971!!  only one from 1971 and then one from 1973 and then suddenly, in the '80's, I was on a tear again!

My motivation was the impact that April 2018 and then even more in October 2018 had on was like a whole new life for the Church so I got rid of all those magazines.  I'm always thinking...what if...but what if...there was no power and you couldn't get online etc. etc.  that has justified my Ensign hoarding.  They were picked up with the trash this morning! 

I confess to tearing out the centerfolds with the Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 as I find it interesting in some macabre way to look at them and think...Wow!  I saw all of these men come and go!


I am always trying to downsize all of this type of hoarding that I do....fabric (I did stop buying fabric and gave away yards and yards but it's still way to much)....books- cookbooks/chilrens' books/health books/Christmas books/how-to books/novels/talks/poems/magazines-Church or not!  Just books of any sort...big books...teeny really doesn't matter.  I love books and I love having books around (read or unread).  I need to glean and clean.  so what am I doing?....trying to pawn them off on family members! 

two of five have said...thanks but no thanks.  My daughter said no thanks but her daughter said...Nana, yes.  please.  If they don't want them, and I still have to hear from 3 others, then friends will get gifts!


We have family coming for Thanksgiving and we are really looking forward to that!!  Plus Kim is going to come over next week with the kiddos and baby Jack!!


To say that I'm excited about all of these changes is way to understated!!  Not even close!

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