Monday, January 26, 2015

The gauntlet is thrown down!

Photo Challenge...I'm all the time harping at you to take a family picture each month.  Just a casual one at Church, as most everyone is dressed pretty decently and most everyone is there.  IF I had my life and could do a re-run, I'd take a family picture on the first Sunday of each month.  Line everyone up the same way and have someone snap the picture.  Again...if you are in Zillah Ward...I'll snap your family picture.  no charge!  I detest my picture being taken BUT I have challenged myself to take and post one picture a month of me.  I'm starting off with the only two that I had taken by my hubby in January.  You can blame his skills, or the subject he was snapping, but here they are.  This is a
facing- my-fear post a picture of myself.  sort of akin to free falling out of a plane in the area of fear factor on my terror meter.

Me.  looks like an airbrushed picture.  very artistic, huh?  Christmas cardinals for a sick sister that never got delivered. 
now this is dreadful with my hair butchered by my pinking shears and I seriously going to do this posting stuff???
So there you go.  Yikesters!  I may do a take-back on this idea.  But then only live once and time is zipping by real fast and this is a huge fear of mine so am I brave or foolish?  probably neither or a mixture but anyhow I can take it off later if I choose.

Tomorrow is my day for left eyeball cataract surgery.  Everyone says...easy peasey   oh, sure that is easy to say when they aren't cutting your eyeball!  I'll be back here in a few days.

Thanks so much for your notes and comments.  I have no idea why they don't show on the blog but I got them and read them and enjoyed them and want to thank you.


Personally I think I take much better pictures than my MainMan does!  Not being uppity but really!  Join my picture a month of your family. will thank me!!  truly you will!

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