Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

It's a great morning here!  Very different in that it's so quiet and I'm thinking of past Christmases and the hustle/bustle and yes, sometimes exhaustion that were a part of the season.  At this life stage...things are very quiet and very calm and it's a great background for reminiscing and enjoying memories of the past.

November was such a great month on all I mentioned before - family visited and we had Thanksgiving together!  Our daughter stayed for 3 weeks and was a tremendous help with her Father.  He has improved and I have great hope that he will continue to move ahead but he seems to worsen at times...right when I'm certain he will keep on moving forward he seems to slip back a bit.  We have much to be thankful for!

December has been so beautiful...decorations minimal but enough to feel that feeling of Christmas!  Our TV was having a lot of problems and would have lines and stuff all over but once it got warmed up it cleared up.  I did not want to buy a new one until that one totally was kaput!  Visiting children felt otherwise and now we have a new TV. 

Did you know they make SmartTV's?  We have a TV that is Smart.  I have to admit that I'm so impressed with it.  I don't really know all of the things that it can do but the little I do know it's so impressive!  Our home has been filled with Christmas music the entire month!  The screen has been filled with choirs and instrumentals and even Christmas music with lyrics!  I do not know how many times we have listened to Handel's Messiah!  It has been heavenly to be surrounded by familiar Christmas hymns!

Being a certified non-techy person...our SmartTV makes me tempted to learn about and use my SmartPhone!  I already have one goal with my phone right now...learn to put pictures on here! 

I hope your day is filled with friends and families and food and festive as you, along with me, rejoice in the reason for the season!

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