Friday, November 8, 2019

Trying to Abide (Part 3)

I'm still plowing through this much unplowed soil of discovering, as President Nelson counseled, what on earth do two sections (84&107) that appear to be specifically for  the Priesthood at large, have to do with me.

The skeletal outline for Section 25 is pretty much settled in my mind as to things in my life that need attention.  Now the exploration of Section 84 continues.

But reading the last line in the Section heading of 84 --The Prophet designates it a revelation on being familiar that this Section always referred to as the oath and covenant of the Priesthood...means that I've never felt to try and do as the Prophet is now saying...
As your understanding increases and as you exercise faith in the Lord and His priesthood power, your ability to draw upon this spiritual treasure that the Lord has made available will increase.

I'm grateful that I love to study the Gospel.  It satisfies my soul and my conscience. My soul hunger can be satisfied and at a certain level I can feel filled.  filled with a feeling that can come no other way.  Adequate study for me is necessary for spiritual survival and also just surviving mortality!

the last few days I've thought...This blog is so Churchy.  Aren't Blogs to be filled with joy and exciting things like organizing and simplifying lives and solutions and successes and etc. etc.  Can someone be to Churchy on a blog? My ChurchyQuirkyNature feels joy and excitement in the gospel and especially study of such!

(Only someone ever endeavoring to be less co-dependent would question the subject of so many of their posts!!  Just sayin'...who on earth even thinks such a thing?  Yep!...the same person that sort of hides the fact they do a blog because of their humanness and fear it might reflect negatively on the Church!)

True my mortal life has all the challenges associated with mortality, and I've shared, disorder and overeating etc....And now winding through the maze of care-giving for my sweetheart. That is a big one and untrodden and filled with trial and error.

The one source of absolute steadiness of my life, in my life, is the Gospel.  My testimony of the restoration, and belief in and love of living Prophets, fills me with faith and hope.  I have survived the rigors of mortality, thus far, because of my fervent belief that it is truth.

Am I on my soapbox?  Maybe I am but...plowing on in Section 84.  I am looking at things that the power of the Priesthood makes possible and accomplishes.  Power of.  Not being ordained with the Priesthood.  Looking at what can happen with that power.  Thinking that with faith in the power of that Priesthood, and not being ordained with the Priesthood...I can still claim many promised blessings.  True there are many specifics that ordination is an absolute but thinking of my faith in blessings given to me by someone that has received that Priesthood, reminds me with faith and attempted obedience, I can call upon heaven for needed realization of that pronounced blessing.

I'm in scan mode still on the 2 sections... 84. 107.    Section 25...I've already done. I'm going to wrap-up 84.

vs 22  footnote a...TG privilege of seeing God
vs 33 footnote c...magnify callings
vs 41 footnote a...apostasy of individuals
vss 43-53 these vss. I covered in yesterdays blog.  about reading the Book of Mormon.
43...diligent heed to covenants. STUDY.  live Gospel.
46... footnote a..Ezk 36:27
vs 97...plagues. read all footnotes
vs 109...MYOB and focus on your own callings.  not counseling/faulting others.
 vs 117-119..abominations in last days.

My all time favorite verse, at least at this moment, is vs. 85 about STUDY.  I loved every single footnote.  Beautiful! I am a total believer in all of this.  Because I have been counseled, by the Prophet to study this section etc...I will claim and enjoy all of these mentioned blessings!  Yes!

so 3 posts later about 84 and I'm heading on down to the corral for a roundup of feeling/insights about 107.  That will be a real challenge!!

2 down, with my flyover that skims the treetops, and on to the last one...107!

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