Sunday, April 7, 2019


So excited about GC and had my little menu all planned.  Simple fare...Chicken Tetrazinni and a Cranberry salad that had jello to hold it together...cookies or cake (ended up with neither!).  I have made that Cranberry salad for years.  It's sort of a Christmas one but it sounded good so it was in the plan.  I have now 100% lost confidence in all of my cooking skills!  It never set up!  It was flavorless!!  Reddish-colored soup!  I even tried to revive it and sprinkled a big package of jello on no avail!!  Terry, my self-appointed critique fella, felt that Jello-add wouldn't work as it needed hot water.  Whatever!  It was an embarrassing/hilarious fail!

Unlike General Conference which was 100% epic!!  Success...of course!!

I think that whole gay issue announcement spun out of control.  Sort of like news things that take on a life of their own and the rest of the story is never heard.  That announcement was one of many things that was mentioned at the General Conference Leadership Conference.  It was the first time that the agenda was shared so that got the focus.  It was good for me to really dig into it and come out with a stronger conviction to follow the Prophet.

Speaking of which...I thought he looked tired today.  Understandably so!

I desire to follow the Prophet.  I'm thankful for so many things...Terry and I really enjoy the Come Follow Me program.  It's just the two of us, so we aren't challenged with sharing our home with a young family or maybe reluctant teens or we are really happy with a lot less Church and more home.  Plus neither of us has a job to go punch a time clock. 

This Conference caught me off guard as it was a very spiritual experience to me.  I cried a lot and had the Holy Ghost witness to me so many teachings that were true.  I did not expect that.  Not a few tears or a welling up of tears but this was actually a real and on.  Lots of tears!

I know that the Prophet and his Counselors and the 12 are doing their level best to have us fortify ourselves for spiritual safety (and who knows what other kinds of safety?).  I have no idea what will happen that we will end up glad we heeded their counsel but I do know this...when it happens- I will recognize it and know and be thankful that I did my best to do what they asked us to do.  I will understand.

I know that the words of these Prophets/Apostles are letting us know that it's time to really get ready.  To not be afraid but to just get ready.  A rather broad hint when the Prophet said.. Time is running out.  

With all sorts of devilish things whirling around us sounds so peaceful and wonderful to make home a sanctuary.  That is what I want to work on!

It will be a miracle if we see our Ward, or any Ward, follow Elder Holland's great counsel!  I remember when Boyd K. Packer gave a similar talk and it never flew (quiet in Chapel and visit in foyer).  I also remember teaching a RS lesson from the manual about it and having a sister get mad and tell me off.  I blogged about that once or twice.  I hope our Bishop wants and expects us to do what Elder Holland asked.  Time will tell!   I'm going to get my pew spot saved and go to the foyer.  Well, it sounds good!

Prophets say things...give revelation and that is that.  they don't come back and explain or justify or rehash or go into detail.  That is our get our understanding while embracing the gospel and staying on that Covenant path.

Those Sunday talks just grabbed me!  Okay...they all did!

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