
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
very small means...
I think these are three of the best ways to minister... #1here and #2here and to #3 remember the scripture below and quotes ...
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
(we always hear vs. 6 quoted but I love vs. 7...the word very is added. not just small means but even by very small means are great things accomplished)
7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.
very small means!
Excerpts -Elder Ballard 2011 talk from General Conference....
The love the Savior described is an active love. It is not manifested through large and heroic deeds but rather through simple acts of kindness and service.
Our Wards and Branches should be places where the Golden Rule always guides our words and actions toward each other. By treating each other kindly, speaking words of support and encouragement, and being sensitive to each other’s needs, we can create loving unity among ward members. Where charity exists, there is no place for gossip or unkind words.
In all of our service, we need to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The still, small voice will let us know who needs our help and what we can do to help them.
Elder Ballard also quoted President Spencer W. Kimball: “It is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom. … So often, our acts of service consist of simple encouragement or of giving … help with mundane tasks, but what glorious consequences can flow … from small but deliberate deeds!” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 82).
Monday, January 28, 2019
A delightful day!!
Yesterday Terry and I had an absolutely fantastic Sunday! We visited last night about why we loved it and what we had experienced in having our Grandson and his children come for dinner. They live about an hour away and we know it's not easy to wrangle kiddos for a car ride, even an hour one, when 5 month old Jack does not like his car seat in even the least little bit.
Maybe the greatness of the day started when I went to the Temple and on the way home the idea popped into my head to prepare all the food on Saturday for our Sunday late afternoon dinner. That reminded me of doing that when we had our 5 children at home. It was almost always pot roast with veggies...homemade bread...a dessert of some sort. Ready to eat right when we got home. No fuss. No muss. Just a practical way to feed our hungry bunch.
Maybe it was watching Fiddler on the Roof with Terry a few days earlier. And being so touched with the preparation for their Sabbath and hearing Golda sing that Sabbath prayer.
Maybe it was the thought of going to be with our son and his son and his wife and their 3 children that just made me happy to even think about getting together.
In that car ride home I decided that I would do my best to prepare all meals for Sunday on Saturday, even for the two of us. Consequently in readiness for our upcoming family dinner...I baked bread...I made soup...I made a cake. You readers know that cooking has become a real challenge for me at this stage of my life so this was exciting and amazing to me to act on those promptings and feel such joy in the doing and anticipation of family around the table. I thought back to the early years of our marriage when we had 3 little ones and I loved preparing food for our Sunday meal. Those were great memories!
They arrived. We got ready to eat. In honor of my Mother, I sliced the bread and put a stack on a plate. We always had a bread plate growing up. I had a bread plate when we had our family at home. Terry and I in our AfterTalk remembered he had a bread plate on his talbe also. Perhaps everyone still does a bread plate? I brought the tradition back to our Sunday table!
There was such joy at the table...chatter...laughter...enjoyment of each other (and the food).
Eventually MisterJack was getting more tired and fussier and his Momma did not want him to fall asleep in the house but wanted that to happen in the car so it was time for them to leave.
Hugs and loves all around and waving and blowing kisses as they drove off.
Terry and I then sat and visited and shared the absolute enjoyment we had experienced. We were almost giddy with reliving the marvelous feelings we continued to feel, as we reminisced, over our 2.5 hours of being together. Terry said...it was a delight!
Those words...it was a delight!...triggered my memory. Terry! We have been blessed for our effort in doing the Come Follow Me program, the best we can!
I remembered these statements!!!!....
President Nelson opening remarks October 2018 General Conference:
Our efforts over these recent years to hallow the Sabbath—to make it a delight and a personal sign to God of our love for Him—will be augmented by the adjustments we will now introduce.
President Nelson closing remarks October 2018 General Conference:
I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight.
Elder Quinton R. Cook October 2018 General Conference:
Maybe the greatness of the day started when I went to the Temple and on the way home the idea popped into my head to prepare all the food on Saturday for our Sunday late afternoon dinner. That reminded me of doing that when we had our 5 children at home. It was almost always pot roast with veggies...homemade bread...a dessert of some sort. Ready to eat right when we got home. No fuss. No muss. Just a practical way to feed our hungry bunch.
Maybe it was watching Fiddler on the Roof with Terry a few days earlier. And being so touched with the preparation for their Sabbath and hearing Golda sing that Sabbath prayer.
Maybe it was the thought of going to be with our son and his son and his wife and their 3 children that just made me happy to even think about getting together.
In that car ride home I decided that I would do my best to prepare all meals for Sunday on Saturday, even for the two of us. Consequently in readiness for our upcoming family dinner...I baked bread...I made soup...I made a cake. You readers know that cooking has become a real challenge for me at this stage of my life so this was exciting and amazing to me to act on those promptings and feel such joy in the doing and anticipation of family around the table. I thought back to the early years of our marriage when we had 3 little ones and I loved preparing food for our Sunday meal. Those were great memories!
They arrived. We got ready to eat. In honor of my Mother, I sliced the bread and put a stack on a plate. We always had a bread plate growing up. I had a bread plate when we had our family at home. Terry and I in our AfterTalk remembered he had a bread plate on his talbe also. Perhaps everyone still does a bread plate? I brought the tradition back to our Sunday table!
There was such joy at the table...chatter...laughter...enjoyment of each other (and the food).
Eventually MisterJack was getting more tired and fussier and his Momma did not want him to fall asleep in the house but wanted that to happen in the car so it was time for them to leave.
Hugs and loves all around and waving and blowing kisses as they drove off.
Terry and I then sat and visited and shared the absolute enjoyment we had experienced. We were almost giddy with reliving the marvelous feelings we continued to feel, as we reminisced, over our 2.5 hours of being together. Terry said...it was a delight!
Those words...it was a delight!...triggered my memory. Terry! We have been blessed for our effort in doing the Come Follow Me program, the best we can!
I remembered these statements!!!!....
Our efforts over these recent years to hallow the Sabbath—to make it a delight and a personal sign to God of our love for Him—will be augmented by the adjustments we will now introduce.
President Nelson closing remarks October 2018 General Conference:
I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight.
Elder Quinton R. Cook October 2018 General Conference:
As individuals and families engage in family councils, family history, ministering, service, personal worship, and joyful family time, the Sabbath day will truly be a delight.
Our joyful family time resulted in a Sabbath day delight!!
for you.... Golda's Sabbath song here
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The essence!...
I saw this not to long ago and it has stayed in my mind. I wish I had a small print to hang. This really sums ministering up for me. To me it is a priceless commentary!

It occurred to Pooh 🐻 and Piglet 🐷 that they hadn't heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats 🎩 and coats 🧥 and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood🌲 to Eeyore's stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.
"Hello Eeyore," said Pooh.
"Hello Pooh. 🐻 Hello Piglet 🐷" said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice
"We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay."
Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All.
Which is why I haven't bothered you. Because you wouldn't want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now."
Pooh looked and Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.
Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?"
"We're sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends don't care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are." 💜💚
"Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh." And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better. 🥰
Because Pooh and Piglet were There.
No more; no less.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Figured out my "word for 2019"
I've now gone through my first time of teaching in SS with my class that I absolutely love with all of my heart. It was the introductory lesson to our new Come,Follow Me program. I loved being with them and talking about things and checking on their scripture reading (which was their challenge and my goal for them all of 2018) and reminding them to keep at it. They all have active families and some even have Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and cousins in our Ward. I have 4, in my class of 13, that are cousins plus two sets of siblings! (I have to change my thinking from my class to our class). I realize that I'm having some pangs of loss, a very soft version of grief, as I let go and move on.
In spite of those deep feelings, a result of the purest love, I embrace all of the changes with anticipation and excitement. I was with them and taught them for an entire year, every Sunday they were at Church so it's natural that I would miss them on so many levels. I loved watching them grow, not only physically but most important spiritually. This brief calling for one year in Primary was pure joy to me! Remember- I served in Primary once, for one year, when I joined the Church and then 6 years later I served as Primary Secretary for awhile and then was a Counselor and that tallied up to around one year or less. I was very active with loads of fantastic callings and yet never called to Primary until this magnificent calling. Then the class I teach dissolves with the new program! but...joy of joys...one more year of association with these incredible future leaders of the Church!
So- one Sunday accomplished of teaching in SS. I've taught adult Gospel Doctrine class in SS but never youth- so again...a new way of doing SS and I get to be there and be involved!
And one Sunday also of the beginning of attending RS! This new way of Church will allow me to always attend RS which has not been a part of my life for years. I taught the Laurels for 5 years or so, then that one year of Primary. Before that I was 4.5 years at the YSA Branch, while Terry served in the Br. Presidency, so I went to RS but not in my Home Ward. I awoke Sunday morning and I was so excited to go to Church. I felt so relaxed and so eager to go. This new program gives us opportunities to visit with each other for a bit after RS as there are no other classes to rush off to. I can see it will be a wonderful way to connect. I know that even a Sunday connection can be a very strong connecting force. Just being at Church and seeing each other, even with no chat-time, is a very strong empowering happening. To be able to talk, even for a few minutes, will start a LoveChain connecting our hearts.
This morning I happened to find, right at my feet, literally, stored under my desk more Ensigns. 14 years of Ensigns! All General Conference issues! I thought I had them all in that basket and had eliminated them. Not so. I had GC issues that went way back. They are my favorite thing to read and re-read but...April 2018 GC was so monumental to me that I decided to start a new collection from that point so I have filled the landfill with paper! This morning when I found those 2 filled file boxes, I tore off the magazine covers (for art) and the center spread sheet and silently reminisced by quickly rifling through the pages. They were marked and underlined and starred and a few words occasionally. They were familiar to me and that made my heart happy that I had absorbed them. I wish I had the ability to remember all of them and quote them and etc. but that is for a life beyond this one! My love and belief in living Prophets and Apostles is a strong center, my core, my comfort, my joy!
I believe this...
1:38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my aword shall not pass away, but shall all be bfulfilled, whether by mine own cvoice or by the dvoice of my eservants, it is the fsame.
Moving through the process of still plugging away on de-junk and organize and etc. this morning, in letting go of my cherished magazines (I LOVE paper!) reminded me of the need of keeping my eye on the prize. I tend to be (no- not tend. more like I am) feast or famine/all or nothing/pass or fail. I set no typeical goals for New Year resolutions this year. the 4 words I chose to live by were...move/nourish/refresh/connect. The NYTimes offered a free 30 day course, start date January 1st, 2019, with a very small obtainable goal in one of those 4 areas, involving both mind and body. I eagerly/immediately signed up and within 2 days I just as quickly unsubscribed! Why? various reasons...my LivingLifePlate is so loaded that things are dropping off the edges! It was just one more thing on a list that was already weighing heavy.
My word for my mortal journey in 2019 is Becoming.
Becoming. In process. Action. Moving ahead. Incremental success. I do believe that I may have Becoming carved into my future tombstone!
definition of Becoming:
I think becoming could also be becoming in the sense of
Surely a person would feel the Holy Ghost more as they are becoming...progressing...moving forward...moving onward in accomplishing what is important to them. Step by step. Surely that would be visible. Well, at least I am of that opinion!
Today the deal was sealed in my mind and heart as I listened to an excellent article here and listened to Elder Holland here
Becoming. My word for 2019. I could have chosen ...In Process! That is two words...I wanted one word...a summation...a reminder to me for what I was aiming at... and I like the word...Becoming.
In spite of those deep feelings, a result of the purest love, I embrace all of the changes with anticipation and excitement. I was with them and taught them for an entire year, every Sunday they were at Church so it's natural that I would miss them on so many levels. I loved watching them grow, not only physically but most important spiritually. This brief calling for one year in Primary was pure joy to me! Remember- I served in Primary once, for one year, when I joined the Church and then 6 years later I served as Primary Secretary for awhile and then was a Counselor and that tallied up to around one year or less. I was very active with loads of fantastic callings and yet never called to Primary until this magnificent calling. Then the class I teach dissolves with the new program! but...joy of joys...one more year of association with these incredible future leaders of the Church!
So- one Sunday accomplished of teaching in SS. I've taught adult Gospel Doctrine class in SS but never youth- so again...a new way of doing SS and I get to be there and be involved!
And one Sunday also of the beginning of attending RS! This new way of Church will allow me to always attend RS which has not been a part of my life for years. I taught the Laurels for 5 years or so, then that one year of Primary. Before that I was 4.5 years at the YSA Branch, while Terry served in the Br. Presidency, so I went to RS but not in my Home Ward. I awoke Sunday morning and I was so excited to go to Church. I felt so relaxed and so eager to go. This new program gives us opportunities to visit with each other for a bit after RS as there are no other classes to rush off to. I can see it will be a wonderful way to connect. I know that even a Sunday connection can be a very strong connecting force. Just being at Church and seeing each other, even with no chat-time, is a very strong empowering happening. To be able to talk, even for a few minutes, will start a LoveChain connecting our hearts.
This morning I happened to find, right at my feet, literally, stored under my desk more Ensigns. 14 years of Ensigns! All General Conference issues! I thought I had them all in that basket and had eliminated them. Not so. I had GC issues that went way back. They are my favorite thing to read and re-read but...April 2018 GC was so monumental to me that I decided to start a new collection from that point so I have filled the landfill with paper! This morning when I found those 2 filled file boxes, I tore off the magazine covers (for art) and the center spread sheet and silently reminisced by quickly rifling through the pages. They were marked and underlined and starred and a few words occasionally. They were familiar to me and that made my heart happy that I had absorbed them. I wish I had the ability to remember all of them and quote them and etc. but that is for a life beyond this one! My love and belief in living Prophets and Apostles is a strong center, my core, my comfort, my joy!
I believe this...
1:38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my aword shall not pass away, but shall all be bfulfilled, whether by mine own cvoice or by the dvoice of my eservants, it is the fsame.
Moving through the process of still plugging away on de-junk and organize and etc. this morning, in letting go of my cherished magazines (I LOVE paper!) reminded me of the need of keeping my eye on the prize. I tend to be (no- not tend. more like I am) feast or famine/all or nothing/pass or fail. I set no typeical goals for New Year resolutions this year. the 4 words I chose to live by were...move/nourish/refresh/connect. The NYTimes offered a free 30 day course, start date January 1st, 2019, with a very small obtainable goal in one of those 4 areas, involving both mind and body. I eagerly/immediately signed up and within 2 days I just as quickly unsubscribed! Why? various reasons...my LivingLifePlate is so loaded that things are dropping off the edges! It was just one more thing on a list that was already weighing heavy.
My word for my mortal journey in 2019 is Becoming.
Becoming. In process. Action. Moving ahead. Incremental success. I do believe that I may have Becoming carved into my future tombstone!
definition of Becoming:
- the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state.
I think becoming could also be becoming in the sense of
- (especially of clothing) flattering a person's appearance."what a becoming dress!" ·synonyms:flattering · fetching · attractive · lovely · pretty · handsome · stylish · elegant · chic · fashionable · comely · tasteful ·
Surely a person would feel the Holy Ghost more as they are becoming...progressing...moving forward...moving onward in accomplishing what is important to them. Step by step. Surely that would be visible. Well, at least I am of that opinion!
Today the deal was sealed in my mind and heart as I listened to an excellent article here and listened to Elder Holland here
Becoming. My word for 2019. I could have chosen ...In Process! That is two words...I wanted one word...a summation...a reminder to me for what I was aiming at... and I like the word...Becoming.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Acting on desire...
For years I've had this desire to form some sort of a study group of women that want to get together and talk about the Gospel. Not a get together socially and chat about things and munch on yummy food. I hunger for a get together and talk about Churchy things. Most specifically Churchy as in the focus being on the most recent General Conference talks. And in that specificity, not singling out one talk but looking at them as a whole and what impressed or inspired or motivated or taught us something that we needed...or maybe something that hadn't dawned on us before and now we feel enlightened. Maybe comforted or hope-filled.
The new structure of the Church has caused those feelings to well up and have brought me to a place of action...Action in fulfilling my personal desire to be with other women that are walking the covenant path, or desire to get on that path, and share our journey.
You know that I'm a General Conference nut and I'm eager to share my feelings and hear others.
Everyone has something they love to study or some hobby or talent or club. I love Church in much the same way that quilters get together and enjoy sharing what they are doing and talking about the latest patterns and fabrics. Much like any group that is passionate and filled with love and enjoyment for what they are participating in...like those in theatre. I have many things I enjoy but super enjoyment is studying the most recent General Conference talks! There are those that this very thought, of studying this way, makes them yawn but I find them invigorating...hope-filled...prophetic...direction for living etc. etc.
Will do a little test run/pilot program! and then decide how to proceed! Perhaps I will deep-six it or maybe I'll get up my courage and actually invite women! Me...ever the coward!
Here is a wonderful scripture for all of us today...
Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
The new structure of the Church has caused those feelings to well up and have brought me to a place of action...Action in fulfilling my personal desire to be with other women that are walking the covenant path, or desire to get on that path, and share our journey.
You know that I'm a General Conference nut and I'm eager to share my feelings and hear others.
Everyone has something they love to study or some hobby or talent or club. I love Church in much the same way that quilters get together and enjoy sharing what they are doing and talking about the latest patterns and fabrics. Much like any group that is passionate and filled with love and enjoyment for what they are participating in...like those in theatre. I have many things I enjoy but super enjoyment is studying the most recent General Conference talks! There are those that this very thought, of studying this way, makes them yawn but I find them invigorating...hope-filled...prophetic...direction for living etc. etc.
Will do a little test run/pilot program! and then decide how to proceed! Perhaps I will deep-six it or maybe I'll get up my courage and actually invite women! Me...ever the coward!
Here is a wonderful scripture for all of us today...
Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Yesterday I went to the Temple. I find it strengthening personally...giving me hope and confidence and direction and assurance and calmness. A soul soothing. A respite from the world. A connection with other believers.
Our small Temple was filled to the maximum with an overflow of women. It was powerful. So beautiful.
The entire experience was timely...practical...enjoyable...empowering...relateable...sensible...believable...enlightening and I was filled with Gratitude...
Gratitude for my testimony...for my desire to follow the Prophet and Come Unto Christ, through Home centered/Church supported study of the New Testament. The Savior invites... Come, Follow Me.
Gratitude for a nearby Temple and a current Temple Recommend and a personal desire to attend and the ability to go- when I want to or need to or feel to.
Our small Temple was filled to the maximum with an overflow of women. It was powerful. So beautiful.
The entire experience was timely...practical...enjoyable...empowering...relateable...sensible...believable...enlightening and I was filled with Gratitude...
Gratitude for my testimony...for my desire to follow the Prophet and Come Unto Christ, through Home centered/Church supported study of the New Testament. The Savior invites... Come, Follow Me.
Gratitude for a nearby Temple and a current Temple Recommend and a personal desire to attend and the ability to go- when I want to or need to or feel to.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
changes galore!
So many changes!!
#1- our first meeting of the New Year with our new Zillah Ward. The majority of Chapel seats and clear into the back was filled. This new Ward had the Bishopric and the Elders Quorum in place from the week before....all of those men with clerks etc. were in place....the rest?...nothing was staffed!
That was remedied when the Counselor conducting asked for a sustaining of 68 callings! He did them in what he called groups. Each person was asked to stand until the sustainings were noted in their group. So he called, and therefore we were organized, with Relief Society staff and Primary staff and Young Women staff and Young Men staff and Sunday School staff plus organists/pianist/choir director/choir accompanist (those sort of solo specialist callings). 68! Also there was a new family and their records were read in. I was impressed with all they had accomplished in a few days as far as callings and realized that we are now fully staffed for our new Ward as far as auxiliaries. How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2- our first meeting with our new Ward with the new 2 hour block. My new calling?...Youth SS teacher! Joy beyond comprehension as I have my precious class again!! My pure delight at the calling started dimming when I was told I have to Team Teach!! WHAT?! I'm territorial...possessive...selfish! Teaching twice a month and I have to share!??! I was stunned beyond belief! I did repent!!!
It's a whole new ball game all the way around! for all of us!
The other teacher and I have worked things out. I was asked to teach the first lesson and she had been told she'd be taking the 2nd lesson. I teach 1st Sunday and she teaches 3rd Sunday. Did I mention that the lessons are 50 minutes long?
With General Conference in April and October, on that first week, I won't teach those months. My team partner will miss one month because of Stake Conference.
Technically I teach 10 lessons in 2019 and I've already taught one! so 9 to go! It really came home to me how the Church really will be home-based/Church supported. SS used to be 4 hours a month per student. Now it is shy 20 minutes of being 2 hours a month. And my portion of that teaching time is 50 minutes, 10 times a year! (oopsie... repeating myself but really! such a limited class association! Families stepping up to the plate is mandatory/essential in teaching their children)
I actually ended up okay with it (as if it would change if I wasn't okay with it!!) I will teach with what works for me and my co-teacher will do what works for her. We respect the fact that we are different women at different ages with different views of teaching plus we already know each other as friends so no getting acquainted needed. Just figuring out how to work it all out on my turn! The more I think about it the more blessed I feel that this is what the Lord wants us to do. More peace just keeps coming to me. yes!
#3 My heart has been with those that loved, and maybe lived a lifetime enjoying the Toppenish building, and had to leave to embrace the Zillah building. I'm sorry for that leaving and am sure it's hard and painful. its very sad to me. I pray for those saints that have pangs of leaving that building.
The Zillah building is absolutely beautiful and still new and amazing! I go to Church in the most beautiful building I've ever been in and I go to a Temple that resonates the same way with me.
It's a new Ward for all of us...no matter which Ward we were previously in. It's close by Toppenish so traveling a few minutes would not be an issue. Well, not in my book, which still runs on miles traveled in Alaska, so all things here are like next door neighbors. We personally lived near the Homer Ward building but the boundaries and people attending weekly lived out East End and North Fork and Anchor Point (15 miles) and Diamond Ridge and Nikiski. It was a huge challenge road wise/time wise to get to Church.
Our Stake Center was in Soldotna and that was 80 miles one way and we are not talking freeways! (One winter we headed out in our van and a moose ran out in front of us and we smacked him. It pushed the engine in where I was sitting but just hit my legs and no harm done. It did shatter the front windows. Terry turned van around and we limped home) So my point is...our new Ward is spread out a bit but very close proximity in my book. I hope it's not a problem to anyone.
So much more on my mind but I'll just share this for today....looking forward to going to Temple!
#1- our first meeting of the New Year with our new Zillah Ward. The majority of Chapel seats and clear into the back was filled. This new Ward had the Bishopric and the Elders Quorum in place from the week before....all of those men with clerks etc. were in place....the rest?...nothing was staffed!
That was remedied when the Counselor conducting asked for a sustaining of 68 callings! He did them in what he called groups. Each person was asked to stand until the sustainings were noted in their group. So he called, and therefore we were organized, with Relief Society staff and Primary staff and Young Women staff and Young Men staff and Sunday School staff plus organists/pianist/choir director/choir accompanist (those sort of solo specialist callings). 68! Also there was a new family and their records were read in. I was impressed with all they had accomplished in a few days as far as callings and realized that we are now fully staffed for our new Ward as far as auxiliaries. How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2- our first meeting with our new Ward with the new 2 hour block. My new calling?...Youth SS teacher! Joy beyond comprehension as I have my precious class again!! My pure delight at the calling started dimming when I was told I have to Team Teach!! WHAT?! I'm territorial...possessive...selfish! Teaching twice a month and I have to share!??! I was stunned beyond belief! I did repent!!!
It's a whole new ball game all the way around! for all of us!
The other teacher and I have worked things out. I was asked to teach the first lesson and she had been told she'd be taking the 2nd lesson. I teach 1st Sunday and she teaches 3rd Sunday. Did I mention that the lessons are 50 minutes long?
With General Conference in April and October, on that first week, I won't teach those months. My team partner will miss one month because of Stake Conference.
Technically I teach 10 lessons in 2019 and I've already taught one! so 9 to go! It really came home to me how the Church really will be home-based/Church supported. SS used to be 4 hours a month per student. Now it is shy 20 minutes of being 2 hours a month. And my portion of that teaching time is 50 minutes, 10 times a year! (oopsie... repeating myself but really! such a limited class association! Families stepping up to the plate is mandatory/essential in teaching their children)
I actually ended up okay with it (as if it would change if I wasn't okay with it!!) I will teach with what works for me and my co-teacher will do what works for her. We respect the fact that we are different women at different ages with different views of teaching plus we already know each other as friends so no getting acquainted needed. Just figuring out how to work it all out on my turn! The more I think about it the more blessed I feel that this is what the Lord wants us to do. More peace just keeps coming to me. yes!
#3 My heart has been with those that loved, and maybe lived a lifetime enjoying the Toppenish building, and had to leave to embrace the Zillah building. I'm sorry for that leaving and am sure it's hard and painful. its very sad to me. I pray for those saints that have pangs of leaving that building.
The Zillah building is absolutely beautiful and still new and amazing! I go to Church in the most beautiful building I've ever been in and I go to a Temple that resonates the same way with me.
It's a new Ward for all of us...no matter which Ward we were previously in. It's close by Toppenish so traveling a few minutes would not be an issue. Well, not in my book, which still runs on miles traveled in Alaska, so all things here are like next door neighbors. We personally lived near the Homer Ward building but the boundaries and people attending weekly lived out East End and North Fork and Anchor Point (15 miles) and Diamond Ridge and Nikiski. It was a huge challenge road wise/time wise to get to Church.
Our Stake Center was in Soldotna and that was 80 miles one way and we are not talking freeways! (One winter we headed out in our van and a moose ran out in front of us and we smacked him. It pushed the engine in where I was sitting but just hit my legs and no harm done. It did shatter the front windows. Terry turned van around and we limped home) So my point is...our new Ward is spread out a bit but very close proximity in my book. I hope it's not a problem to anyone.
So much more on my mind but I'll just share this for today....looking forward to going to Temple!
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
welcome 2019!!!
Well, here we go! The sand in the hour glass for 2018 has emptied out and I mentally flipped it over to let that nice full glass start the emptying for 2019. Happy New Year!!
Our celebration?...it's midnight somewhere so we just went to bed when we felt like it. No big discussion of summing up the year but we did count our blessings and the winner in the #1 place?!...our family and a close 2nd... friends but the over arching gold star blessing in our life???...the Gospel!!
We have spent more time talking about all the newness in the Church and how we are going to do things than review of the past. I will say that this year was a challenge for us in many ways in dealing with Terry feeling sub-par but we know this is what mortality is all about...figuring out how to get the ox out of pit occasionally. or was the ox in the mire? well, wherever it was, sometimes we had to work like the dickens to get it out to the point of exhaustion and frustration and stress and anxiety. That is where the gospel comes into play with the message of hope and peace at those feeling heavy laden times, which is a part of this earthly trek. Family has helped us and friends that appear with the right words and love and cheer are as helpful and refreshing as an oasis in the dessert when I'm flattened out and parched. (boy, am I the drama queen or what?!)
We have been preparing for 2019, as I mentioned before, I think it started really seriously as a team event in October CR 2017. Before April CR 2018, we felt there would be changes and we had no idea how many there would actually be, but Terry said...Whatever comes out of Conference we will do it. I agreed. It's been real busy for sure! And then comes October 2018!! And more things to make room for and adjust. Surely this is just so exciting and President Nelson has told us...me paraphrasing...You ain't seen nothin' yet!!
One of the reasons we are trying to do what is asked, is we don't want to be trying to play catch-up when more things come out.
Now we have our first new week of this new way of doing things. I am thankful for the 4 years of the pilot program as I know they have worked out the majority of the kinks. 35 Stakes in 7 countries, now that is surely a cross section of the membership and shows that this one size will fit all.
As women we were asked to do 4 things by President Nelson. One request was reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. I'd been reading it daily and was almost finished with it and it had been a quick read and I actually considered for a minute or so....I think this qualifies for me. No. The Prophet didn't say that. He said read it. Again. Now. So I did. I wanted to finish it by my sister's birthday...Dec. 15. It made me feel close to her. I really love reading the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. Also...I wanted the promised blessings. Not being selfish or uppity but hey! a Prophet promised and the Lord delivers when a Prophet promises. We definitely see that in the Book of Mormon. Obey...be blessed with the specific promise. I tell my precious Primary class that Prophets don't lie and they can with confidence do what he counsels.
So speaking of my class that I adore. A little complicated but here is the story. So the Valiant 11 class is no longer a part of Primary so come January 1, today!, I would have no Church calling. On the 23rd, the day of our Christmas program...the Bishop called me in and to my utter joy he called me to teach a new SS class and it would be my same class that I now have!! I told him I'd give him a virtual hug. He said I'd get set apart on the 30th.
Now I've already been released again...I have no calling! Here's the happenings... We met together on the 23rd with the Toppenish Ward for a Christmas program. Then we met together again with them on the 30th. The Toppenish Ward was dissolved and all members were released as a group from any and all callings. Then the newly sustained Bishop, of the 2 Wards being combined, thanked all of the Zillah people for their effort and then he released all of us from our callings! By the way, the Bishop of the new Zillah Ward is our former Bishop. So our Ward ended up on Sunday with the Priesthood leadership in place and not one single soul called to any position. As the Bishop said...it's going to be a busy week!
I'm hoping I get to continue on, for 2019, with my sweet class but at this stage and age of my life...hopefully I get a calling of any sort!!
Today feels so fresh and new...a new Ward of sorts...a new Church program on all levels...and more things to come. love it!!
I am not making a creed list again. Those things are pretty much in my head. I just want to live life to the fullest that I can. I am going to try Tai Chi (hopefully I've not jinxed myself by sharing that!)...yesterday I went to the Dr. and am getting an overall physical as a part of getting as healthy as I can be...I want to start a study group for women about the counsel from the most recent Gen. Conf. not a specific talk but just overall. I think it will evolve into something helpful and uniting us or perhaps it will fizzle but I want to try it...I am determined to do something creative with quilting. I have in mind what I want to do. now don't laugh as you have heard me mention quilts a million times...Terry and I talked about me being more supportive of social things at the Church. I don't go to the monthly luncheon that is held after Church so I'm going to give it my overall best to attend that and functions at the Church in the evening...well, you see what I'm saying...I just want to improve. Do the best I can. Be nice. Act on feelings. Probably just like you!!
I enjoyed this morning...I marked all birthdays of my family on my new calendar. For this year my calendar choice is one that is from way back...a flat one that is on my desk top. then I purchased a small one and am going to keep it in my purse for announcements. Oh! they won't make announcements at Church plus they said we don't feed the Missionaries anymore! Well, I'll bring it anyhow!
I love to share e-cards with friends and family and I will continue that but maybe limit how many I send! that is probably a lie! I'll just do what feels right.
Happy, HAPPY New Year!! One thing also...I'm going to be more reliable in posting on my blog and I want to learn how to use my new phone so I can put pictures on here. You are special to me and I appreciate you hanging in there with me!
Summation- Reality check....Probably I'll be doing good, really good, in 2019, to just breathe and keep my head above water but a girl can dream can't she???
Our celebration?...it's midnight somewhere so we just went to bed when we felt like it. No big discussion of summing up the year but we did count our blessings and the winner in the #1 place?!...our family and a close 2nd... friends but the over arching gold star blessing in our life???...the Gospel!!
We have spent more time talking about all the newness in the Church and how we are going to do things than review of the past. I will say that this year was a challenge for us in many ways in dealing with Terry feeling sub-par but we know this is what mortality is all about...figuring out how to get the ox out of pit occasionally. or was the ox in the mire? well, wherever it was, sometimes we had to work like the dickens to get it out to the point of exhaustion and frustration and stress and anxiety. That is where the gospel comes into play with the message of hope and peace at those feeling heavy laden times, which is a part of this earthly trek. Family has helped us and friends that appear with the right words and love and cheer are as helpful and refreshing as an oasis in the dessert when I'm flattened out and parched. (boy, am I the drama queen or what?!)
We have been preparing for 2019, as I mentioned before, I think it started really seriously as a team event in October CR 2017. Before April CR 2018, we felt there would be changes and we had no idea how many there would actually be, but Terry said...Whatever comes out of Conference we will do it. I agreed. It's been real busy for sure! And then comes October 2018!! And more things to make room for and adjust. Surely this is just so exciting and President Nelson has told us...me paraphrasing...You ain't seen nothin' yet!!
One of the reasons we are trying to do what is asked, is we don't want to be trying to play catch-up when more things come out.
Now we have our first new week of this new way of doing things. I am thankful for the 4 years of the pilot program as I know they have worked out the majority of the kinks. 35 Stakes in 7 countries, now that is surely a cross section of the membership and shows that this one size will fit all.
As women we were asked to do 4 things by President Nelson. One request was reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. I'd been reading it daily and was almost finished with it and it had been a quick read and I actually considered for a minute or so....I think this qualifies for me. No. The Prophet didn't say that. He said read it. Again. Now. So I did. I wanted to finish it by my sister's birthday...Dec. 15. It made me feel close to her. I really love reading the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. Also...I wanted the promised blessings. Not being selfish or uppity but hey! a Prophet promised and the Lord delivers when a Prophet promises. We definitely see that in the Book of Mormon. Obey...be blessed with the specific promise. I tell my precious Primary class that Prophets don't lie and they can with confidence do what he counsels.
So speaking of my class that I adore. A little complicated but here is the story. So the Valiant 11 class is no longer a part of Primary so come January 1, today!, I would have no Church calling. On the 23rd, the day of our Christmas program...the Bishop called me in and to my utter joy he called me to teach a new SS class and it would be my same class that I now have!! I told him I'd give him a virtual hug. He said I'd get set apart on the 30th.
Now I've already been released again...I have no calling! Here's the happenings... We met together on the 23rd with the Toppenish Ward for a Christmas program. Then we met together again with them on the 30th. The Toppenish Ward was dissolved and all members were released as a group from any and all callings. Then the newly sustained Bishop, of the 2 Wards being combined, thanked all of the Zillah people for their effort and then he released all of us from our callings! By the way, the Bishop of the new Zillah Ward is our former Bishop. So our Ward ended up on Sunday with the Priesthood leadership in place and not one single soul called to any position. As the Bishop said...it's going to be a busy week!
I'm hoping I get to continue on, for 2019, with my sweet class but at this stage and age of my life...hopefully I get a calling of any sort!!
Today feels so fresh and new...a new Ward of sorts...a new Church program on all levels...and more things to come. love it!!
I am not making a creed list again. Those things are pretty much in my head. I just want to live life to the fullest that I can. I am going to try Tai Chi (hopefully I've not jinxed myself by sharing that!)...yesterday I went to the Dr. and am getting an overall physical as a part of getting as healthy as I can be...I want to start a study group for women about the counsel from the most recent Gen. Conf. not a specific talk but just overall. I think it will evolve into something helpful and uniting us or perhaps it will fizzle but I want to try it...I am determined to do something creative with quilting. I have in mind what I want to do. now don't laugh as you have heard me mention quilts a million times...Terry and I talked about me being more supportive of social things at the Church. I don't go to the monthly luncheon that is held after Church so I'm going to give it my overall best to attend that and functions at the Church in the evening...well, you see what I'm saying...I just want to improve. Do the best I can. Be nice. Act on feelings. Probably just like you!!
I enjoyed this morning...I marked all birthdays of my family on my new calendar. For this year my calendar choice is one that is from way back...a flat one that is on my desk top. then I purchased a small one and am going to keep it in my purse for announcements. Oh! they won't make announcements at Church plus they said we don't feed the Missionaries anymore! Well, I'll bring it anyhow!
I love to share e-cards with friends and family and I will continue that but maybe limit how many I send! that is probably a lie! I'll just do what feels right.
Happy, HAPPY New Year!! One thing also...I'm going to be more reliable in posting on my blog and I want to learn how to use my new phone so I can put pictures on here. You are special to me and I appreciate you hanging in there with me!
Summation- Reality check....Probably I'll be doing good, really good, in 2019, to just breathe and keep my head above water but a girl can dream can't she???
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