Monday, October 9, 2017

A time of change!

Happy day here and a deep feeling of creating a joyful life with adaptations, for our future.  After all aren't we meant to have joy?  I have always marveled at Lehi's quick turn around from those boys of his that were such brutes that he'd be broken hearted and even so sorrowful that he'd shed tears and yet when he thought on Christ and the joy of the Gospel he would perk right up!  Surely that is one reason that I love gulping down words of Living Apostles through Genereal feels like oxygen for my Spirit.

I have seen lots of changes over the years in how things are done in the Church, never principles, just procedures.  This January change for Sunday will be so interesting.  Personally I can't get enough of GC talks so this will be heaven to me.  Today I read the new October Ensign and I not heard of this before.  Amazing!  here  What a boon!  I'm just so impressed with how the Lord uses that revelatory process to guide His Church.  Reading of the success of the program throughout the world and to now have it in our country on a large scale basis will be such a blessing.

Just have to say that today was just a great day!  Terry has had next to nothing pain-wise and been able to sleep!!  That was his happiness and I had some also.  Not only enjoying him and being able to rest also but I had my own moment.  I found out I was not taking my BP Rx correctly.  Missing one pill.  I called Pharmacist and yeppers!...I needed to take one more.  What a difference that made in my overall day energy wise and otherwise!!  My BP dropped.  That had been a concern for the coming event if my BP didn't come down.  So no worry.

Extremely boring to read but oh, my! made me happy!

Terry shared an old Conference talk with me that he really enjoyed and I wanted to share this paragraph with you.  April GC 1971  Sterling W. Sill...

This philosophy of excellence was demonstrated by the artist Whistler, who once painted a tiny picture of a spray of roses. The artistry involved was magnificent. Never before, it seemed, had the art of man been able to execute quite so deftly a reproduction of the art of nature. The picture was the envy of the artists who saw it, the despair of the collectors who yearned to buy it for their collections, but Whistler refused steadfastly to sell it.
“For,” said he, “whenever I feel that my hand has lost its cunning, whenever I doubt my ability, I look at the little picture of the spray of roses and say to myself, ‘Whistler, you painted that. Your hand drew it. Your imagination conceived the colors. Your skill put the roses on the canvas.’ Then,” he said, “I know that what I have done I can do again.”
Then he gave us a great philosophy of success. He said, “Hang on the walls of your mind the memory of your successes. Take counsel of your strength, not your weakness. Think of the good jobs you have done. Think of the times when you rose above your average level of performance and carried out an idea or a dream or a desire for which you had deeply longed. Hang these pictures on the walls of your mind and look at them as you travel the roadway of life.”


Natalie Thompson said...

After Elder Holland's talk in the Sat. morning session...I wanted to run outside and holler: "I am good." Not good enough yet...but I started out good from the day I was born and have done more good things since in comparison to bad things. So, from the rooftops we can declare: "We are good." Especially since God made me and everything he makes is GOOD.

Nancy Seljestad said...

Feeling that love for General Conference and all of the fantastic encouraging counsel and this surely made it to the top of the list!
Love you, dear Natalie! xoxox

Anonymous said...

I found an old scrap book last evening as I was working on cleaning out "stuff" from my genealogy room. Of course I had to sit down and look through it. There I found 4 or 5 wedding pictures of you and Terry. I was back in Anchorage and high school for just a few minutes! I know I have a picture of Dixie somewhere...but that's the problem..."somewhere"! I love how you both have "turned out"...Hugs to both of you....Natalie

Nancy Seljestad said...

Memories. that is the stuff of which life is made, isn't it? How blessed we are to have the richness of so many!! It's wonderful that we jointly share those long ago days!! You are special in so many ways!! We are blessed to have each other and the Gospel!!