Wednesday, May 4, 2016


The study of the application/living/embracing and endeavoring to understand how to use the enabling power of grace, in a personal way, continues and I'm enjoying it so much.  I did get somewhat sidelined though when I read this article...4 Ways What You Think Is Humility Could Actually Be Pride it here   Me?...prideful?  of course not!  Oopsie-doopsie!  Isn't thinking you aren't prideful actually being prideful? was a great take, a great eye-opener and worth the read.  Plus the LDS author wrote a book that sounds interesting. (see below) 

In the article she mentioned 4 potential areas that one might think of as humility but end up off-balanced and becomes prideful. 

1- Self-deprecation
2- Obsession With How Others View Us
3- Excessive Worry About Others Choices and Righteousness
4- People-pleasing

All of us recovering co-dependents will recognize these 4 subjects!

Here is the book she wrote.  I don't think it's about the above article she wrote.

The Burnout Cure: An Emotional Survival Guide for Overwhelmed Women       here


also enjoy this..... very old, still true and well-known 1989 address.... “Beware of Pride,” by Ezra Taft Benson.  The picture on the Conference talk is President Hinckley but the written text is President Benson!  It is a fantastic Conference talk.  The counsel in this is priceless!!


I was somewhat taken aback at this side road of realizing I was being chastised and needed some things pointed out to me about pride.  My pride.  Oh, my...just saying it smarts.  Sort of reminds me of accidentally brushing against Alaskan Pushki or more formally- Stinging Nettle.  Hairlike strands abound, like a needle, that injects pain and poison on your skin.  Blisters occur.  dreadful.  painful to the max.  it doesn't scar but boy, does it hurt. In my desire to incorporate the grace, as mentioned in Ether 12:27, I admit to asking for areas of weakness that I needed to address to be revealed.  Prayers are answered when we really want to know!  Extremely unpleasant but essential.  The article and the Conference talk were both of immense help in moving ahead.

So you say you want to see a picture of Pushki?  okay!  The strange thing about this plant is-- to pay no attention and by just charging through a patch of it, can do you harm.  But...harnessed through careful harvesting, with proper protective gear, this can this be rendered harmless and actually beneficial to health.  Much like the pride that is self-esteem and acknowledging that I am a valued daughter of God, and that is a good thing, compared to feeling at times and in some ways that certain aspects of humility are masking as pride!

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