Tuesday, April 14, 2020


The essence of Easter remains and the uniqueness of it all is stored as a memory, that all of us will share off and on over the years.  Yesterday we had the remnants of our feast...a ham sandwich, on a homemade roll - gifted by a properly socially distanced friend!

Calling the celebratory meal a feast is a stretch of the imagination!  I did have ham at the ready in the freezer.  Potatoes were on hand.  I can always make gravy.  Packets of frozen veggies, like corn and peas, are always good.  Olives add a bit of zing.  Piecrust was home baked but not homemade!  A jar of mincemeat, purchased for storage last year, made for a specialty dessert.

There were just us two.  I was glad that we had each other and weren't alone.  True we are alone from the world but we are not alone here in our home.

We talked about what we wanted to do for Church at home and we decided to have a celebration of music.  I'm admittedly sad when our Christmas and Easter Sacrament meetings aren't filled with music...to listen to and to sing our hearts out!  We both love beautiful sacred music.  So we did a goose-bump Sabbath meeting!  It was follow-up to our listening to The Messiah on Good Friday!  Surely isn't there something that says a person can't have an overload of music!

So we ended up enjoying Andrea Bocelli here in his live concert from Italy with his Music of Hope.  It was tender.  Such a nice gift he gave.  We could only understand Amazing Grace but we felt the other few songs in our hearts.  Then we listened to two previous Easter Spoken Words.  The 2014 one ended with Hallelujah! and we wanted that as our closing song so it was perfect.

We talked about our thankfulness for our Church membership and our testimonies of living Prophets and all those sorts of things.

We each visited another Church service so to speak.  Terry attended an old Billy Graham revival.  I attended the live from Italy, full Easter Mass conducted by Pope Francis from the Basilica.  Except for the cc on his blessing to the world, it was (as the saying goes) all Greek to me.  I found his apostolic blessing to the world so interesting.  Our Prophet, the true lead Apostle, gives us blessings and they are for all the world. here I found the mass interesting on all counts.  This gigantic edifice and them doing their social distancing with their 8 member choir or was it 12?  9 short pews with one person per pew.  Actually several people were involved...2 nuns and the rest all men.  I wondered about the incense...how can they breathe that without coughing?  The thing that really got my attention was when the Pontiff blessed the sacrament.  Only he partook.  I thought of millions of people, throughout the world of our faith, that had the sacrament in their home- without the necessity of waiting for the all clear signal to congregate so that they could partake of that renewal.  The Pope's belief of the meaning of the Sacrament, and my belief, are much more than a difference in the language spoken but I did enjoy the long mass- just out of curiosity.

We shared what we had learned from attending other Church services and shared our gratitude for being believers of the truth in the Restoration!

Speaking of gratitude...every single day I'm just thankful to the max for this absolutely beautiful weather!  The gentleness of seasonal changes around here never gets old.  Spring softly and slowly is unfolding and I LOVE it!  We do not live on property considered prime viewing.  We live smack dab in the center of a small town and our subdivision property is more safety-wise than beautiful-viewing wise of any mountains but there is one window that allows me a view of Mount Rainier, the top anyhow, if I stand at a specific angle and gaze out.  I check it out each morning.  Love our earth!

Have a great day!  Happy Hibernation!

I miss seeing people on Sunday!!!

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