Sunday, May 13, 2018

Hands on Mothering....

I love these two pictures!  What Momma hasn't felt the endlessness of being hung onto?  That baby bear on the back reminds me of Jeanee and her girls when they were around 9 months old.  They were home for the summer and she would sit and hold them or lay down on the bed with them when they needed to go to sleep. 

One of the babies would softly continuously pinch on her neck and the other one would do the same to her elbow.  Once in awhile she would feel totally claustrophobic as they just melted into her and gently pinched/stroked her skin.  One morning I caught this picture of them sleeping and they all 3 looked like angels!  If you look close you can see a bit of redness on Jeanee's neck by the baby's face. 

Mothering is not for the faint of heart.  Nor is Grandmothering or Aunting or friending!!  Hooray for women.  ALL women.

Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping and baby

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