Thursday, May 24, 2018

life goes on...

(Old Royal wedding stuff here ...can't believe I didn't post this when I wrote it...better late than never?)

Yes.  Yes indeed.  1 a.m.!!  I was watching hours of people, and I had no idea who they were, but I was watching them arrive for the Royal Wedding!  What a venue!  What a gown!  What a viel!  What pagentry! Oh, my and what a gorgeous couple!

Very beautiful on so many levels and also rather entertaining on other levels...some of the hats and the expressions on the faces of many in the audience when the Pastor got wound up preaching!  so fun to watch!

I justified watching it...aren't we to learn about other Nations?  Governemnts?

I did pay a price though.  I had a ticket to go see the 2 p.m.matinee of Blithe Spirit.  Uh-huh.  Yep.  Decided to just take a little snooze after all of that Wedding Watching and woke up at show time!  I was going solo so at least I didn't foul up anyone's plans except my own!


I'm still atwitter about all of the changes and we know we haven't even got them all yet.  I'm wondering how the dust will settle when we know longer have things so structered but just going more personal revelation.  When I read a report on the re-dedication of the Jordan River Temple and what he said?...I felt like this will be interesting as things unfold.

President Eyring

The unity in the Church comes as a time of organizational change and ministerial emphasis. "If you go through heavy times and lots of change, it's not going to be easy to keep everybody feeling united, and I think we're in such a time. We're moving at a great rate."

He added: "We're living in a time of an incredible prophet of God, and we all need to pray so we can be united, so we can move along wherever the Lord is going to take us."


 So we have everything new and changing and also endeavoring to do away with racism.  I'm so curious as to how that big June 1st celebration will be received.  I'm excited to watch it happen.  Love that part of technology!  NAACP and LDS leaders meeting.... here   and here

Also curious about accepting refugees that are Muslim and taking care of them.  You know that my favorite, learning unconditional love Article of Faith, is #11.  Time for it to come into play!

and that also goes along with helping everyone we can...without judgment.  just helping whomever/whoever? with whatever.  a real challenge.


sort of takes us full circle back to what President Eyring said...

"If you go through heavy times and lots of change, it's not going to be easy to keep everybody feeling united, and I think we're in such a time. We're moving at a great rate."

 "We're living in a time of an incredible prophet of God, and we all need to pray so we can be united, so we can move along wherever the Lord is going to take us."

technically we don't even have all of the new changes...the youth program is going to be changed and announced in 2020.  I think that is the year.  This is going to be quite the exciting ride on the Old Ship Zion, as Elder Ballard called the Church.  didn't he say to hold on?  I am so excited for these changes and to see how it all unfolds!

I'm giving a talk on Sunday.  The Church gives us so many opportunities for growth!!

Friday, May 18, 2018

good morning!

It's getting very close to being two years since Dixie passed away.  I miss her so much.  She and I both enjoyed things Royal.  I've watched a lot of documentaries about the complications of Kings/Queens and she loved all the glamour and the jewels.  We both liked the history of Royalty.

We were on a sister trip when Princess Diana met with her untimely death.  Sitting in a hotel and watching the broadcast.  We both got up, in the middle of the night, and had previously watched her wedding and faulted the bulky voluminous wedding gown...we did the same early awakening for her funeral.

Now there is another Royal Wedding on Saturday and I miss her.  She would always call me and talk about what we should wear for the TV watching!  And what jewels we should don.  She loved beautiful sparkly classy jewelry and was always encouraging me to get more glitzy.  Which I never really did but I do love pins and rings.  I think she kept HSN on the air with just her fine jewelery purchases alone!

Today I remembered a pin she sent me and I have saved the note.  I wish I could post a picture on here.  It's a very ornate circular style sparkly pin.  Very formal and classy.  It arrived in a package for my birthday.  I keep the note with it...
Happy Birthday Sissy!
This pin is not only
to celebrate your
birthday but also in 
remembrance of the
Royal Wedding of
William and Catherine.  I 
know you would have
worn it if our invitation
hadn't been lost in 
the mail.
Happy Birthday
xo Dixie xo

I'm watching with fascination all of the changes that are happening or going to happen in the Church.  Still amazed seeing that President Kimball statement, surely of Prophecy, come about regarding growth of the Church, in the last days, and women's role.   

Speaking of history...did you see that very brief press conference yesterday, with President Nelson and the President of the NAACP?  We know that President Nelson, is President of the the Church and he is also Prophet for the entire world.  He spoke and invited the entire world to be one.  He quoted the Doctrine and Covenants but he just referred to it as scripture.  The source though is in the printed remarks.  You missed it? it is!  The meeting was held in the Church Office Building.  Amazing to me!

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shakes hands with Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP, right, during a press conference in Salt Lake City on Thursday, May 17, 2018.


In my lifetime I've had lots of challenges which is normal in a mortal experience.  Life never stays the same.  The years go by and the seasons just naturally blend right into the next one.  I must say, the most challenging, at least for me, is this particular season.  Can you believe it...I'm still trying to figure it out!  Here it is, 5 months into 2018, and I'm still mulling things over!!  Re-grouping on this season is mind boggling!  Maybe there is no figuring this one out!  Maybe you just move along doing the best you can and putting out brush fires.  Sort of reminds me of Alaska Tundra fires.  Everything appears under control and then all of sudden there is smoke from way below the surface and then it bursts into flames!  Maybe like fissures in the Hawaiian volcano...standing on level ground and it suddenly cracks open and then spews forth devastation.  One certainty in the uncertainty of walking on my own land with pitfalls of unnoticed quicksand, is this...I love the Gospel and I have a deep testimony of it's truthfulness.  no uncertainty in that area.  stability and solidness.  Yes!

A wonderful surprise this morning!  A phone call from a Homer friend!  A former Seminary student!  Passing through Zillah on his way to Homer!  I've not seen him in years.  Now married and has 4 daughters and one grandchild.  He and his wife were just released as Seminary teachers after 6 years of service!  He was a wonderful young man and a fantastic grown-up!  He was the only student ever that was so touched by a lesson on fasting that he started a fast immediately.  Right that moment.  A teen boy that had eaten no breakfast.  He called me from school and asked if chewing gum was allowed while fasting.  We laughed this morning over my question much gum are you chewing?  He was really gobbling gum!  He was not prepared to fast.  How I love him!

Life gets back to the same-o marvelous foundation stones...unconditional love and creating lasting marvelous memories.  Jewelry/sisterhood.  Lessons/friendship.  It's all good!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

You will like this...

When I read this article here I thought of the emphasis being placed center front on ministering.  It's the outcome of a 75 year study done by Harvard and what ends up being the #1 secret to leading a fulfilling life.  Our lives are so blessed with the fullness...the wholeness of the Gospel.  I always enjoy when scientific, in depth studies, reveal what we already know and are being taught to aspire to live like, and live by, certain standards.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Hands on Mothering....

I love these two pictures!  What Momma hasn't felt the endlessness of being hung onto?  That baby bear on the back reminds me of Jeanee and her girls when they were around 9 months old.  They were home for the summer and she would sit and hold them or lay down on the bed with them when they needed to go to sleep. 

One of the babies would softly continuously pinch on her neck and the other one would do the same to her elbow.  Once in awhile she would feel totally claustrophobic as they just melted into her and gently pinched/stroked her skin.  One morning I caught this picture of them sleeping and they all 3 looked like angels!  If you look close you can see a bit of redness on Jeanee's neck by the baby's face. 

Mothering is not for the faint of heart.  Nor is Grandmothering or Aunting or friending!!  Hooray for women.  ALL women.

Image may contain: outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping and baby

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Day of accountability! Mother's Day!!

A few weeks ago I was asked to speak in Sacrament meeting....ended up with bronchitis and had to bow out of that plus teaching my class.  A new month comes around... a new person conducting and lining up new speakers.

Nancy, you were scheduled to talk when Bishop was conducting.  Do you want to give that talk?

I threw it out.

(We both laughed at that truth.)

Well, how about a new talk and how about the 13th?

Isn't that Mothers Day????

Yes.  It's on Mothers Day.

Oh, no. No!  I don't want to talk on Mother's Day.  No thanks!  Never!

He was baffled but accepted the No! and arranged later in the month for me to talk.  

Why on earth would a Mother not want to speak on Mother's Day?  

Perhaps it's generational.  I have friends of certain ages, older ages, that detest Mother's Day.  And there are friends of younger ages, that also do not enjoy Mother's Day.  It's rough being a Mother and it's rough not being a Mother.  At least sometimes it is.

So I was thinking about tomorrow and my friend that is 80+ that detests Mother's Day. (she has 3 adult children).  she reminds me of my sister....  Dixie used to call and wanted us to run away and just ditch the entire day!

Then I saw

I love my 5 children and all those connected to them!  Without them I would not have experienced Motherhood!

Happy Mother's Day! 

(I'm going to blog about things I wish I'd known and also what those Mothers of those 2060 young men taught them.  Not tonight.  Not today.  Someday.  Real soon!  It's planned.)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A settling of sorts....

Still absorbing the fact of all Church facets changing and all at once!!  The face of the Church and all of these new ways are not at all like the Church the Missionaries taught us, all those many years ago.  At that time it was about joining and adhering and being obedient and sort of bonding/being together, pretty exclusively because of scheduling of events throughout the week.  It was more about joining the Church and now it's more about following/being/becoming more Christ-like through membership in His Church.  Then we bonded/banded together as our Branch/Ward and now we reach out to all, neighbors/strangers, and invite them to embrace the restored Gospel and be a follower of Christ.  (I'm not talking about principles changing.  talking about policies and application and doing programs. Not the doctrinal things.)

Now some might think that is an exaggeration but it's my truth.  I still remember that RS lesson and the teacher asked about our involvement with non-members and we all admitted our association was only with each other.  That was a million years ago but it did happen.  Just like when the Church changed to the block meeting and members were asking...what will we do during the week now?  We were all used to Churching all the time!!  That change was of course sheer inspiration/revelation prophetically and lead us to this point today.  How absolutely exciting!

This morning, still in amazement over all the happenings, I awoke with a lot of scriptures and hymns running through my mind.  To mention a few...

I'm trying to be like Jesus.
Come follow me.
Have I done any good in the world today?
...I would learn the healer's art...
As I have loved you.

IF you love me, keep my commandments.

Follow the Prophet.

*Jesus went about doing good.

*Jesus grew in wisdom and stature... (spiritually/physically/socially/intellectually)

Those last *two items are my personal goals for this year, in the regrouping of my life, and they seem even more appropriate/on target/on track than ever.

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. --Luke 2:52

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Still excited!!!

Still!... Aha-ing!

I re-read that talk again here and this part stood out...Become scholars of the scriptures—not to put others down, but to lift them up! 

"Scholars of the scriptures"I love how that sounds right along with "the deep need each woman has to study the scriptures. We want our homes to be blessed with sister scriptorians."

Those words are so exciting to me!!  I want to be a scripture scholar!  I want to be a sister scriptorian!  I want to be an influence for good!  In my own small way.  Yes!  I want to do my part!  

Women are so amazing!  I am so thankful to be a woman!  LDS women are so incredible in the amount of details they accomplish.  Just look at the make-up of a Ward....women are in charge of the Primary and the YW and the RS and now ministering.  LDS women can organize and carry out all of the details of funerals and that includes meals for sometimes 200+ people.  They give comfort along with the meal.  They are organizers to the max.  IF there was some sort of a community disaster...the Mayor would do well to call in the RSP for how-to helps!  The innateness of women, as stated by Joseph Smith, that we are born compassionate (okay.  not a direct quote but that is the jest of it!) and RS gives us a venue to act on those feelings (again.  not a direct quote!)'s just a beautiful unfolding in these last days.

I remember when I heard the talk and the mention of non-members...I puzzled over how would/could this happen?  At that time we were pretty much involved all the time with Church meetings and sort of kept to ourselves.  Now I can see that good women of the world will, at some point, end up saying...enough!  those LDS women seem to be believers...what do they know?  okay!- not scripture.  just me thinking of possibilities of things to come!

President Nelson mentioned his wife and her influence when he expressed his love of her and said...."She is an extraordinary woman—a great blessing to me, to our family, and to the entire Church."  It seems to me, for her to be a blessing to the entire Church, then we will have to hear her speak!  and speak she does!

It's just a great day for being a member of the Church!  

Don't the two paragraphs below just give you goose-bumps????   All of these changes????...some of His mightiest works.?????  Might be.  Maybe.  Perhaps.

Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory. But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.
My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. Let this Easter Sunday be a defining moment in your life. Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.
Enjoy President Nelson's talk again!  all of it! Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives here

After 100 years we are breaking our association with the Boy Scouts!  The changes just keep a coming!  Seems like yesterday, but actually it was 1977, that President Kimball received the Silver World Award from the President of the BSA.  I remember him wearing the neck scarf (proper term? not sure) maybe at a General Conference.  Saw it in a picture. can read about it here
The Church is getting more than a facelift!  It's like a full transformation!  I am reminded of a part of my Hubby's Patriarchal Blessing...the principles of the Gospel are the principles of truth.  They have always existed and they never change.  That which changes and may be confused by some, are the policies but not the principles of the gospel. 
Sometimes he has a bit of a struggle with change and takes a bit of mulling things over before total acceptance.  I've always thought that was interesting for him to be told that in his blessing.  I've enjoyed it also.  (he said I could share)
All of these current policy changes are not changing principles like...the mode of baptism or Sacrament or sealings or etc. etc.  Changes are the implementation and revelatory changes needed for the Church, for us, to survive and progress in this world of the last days.  To me it's like a circling of the wagons.  all of us drawing in and strengthening each other and caring for each other and then that goodness radiating out and others, not of our faith, seeing this and wanting to belong and join us!  
Look at the happenings and almost in one fell swoop!  Ministering-will include MiaMaids and Laurels.   Quorums Restructured.  Family History- emphasis on those turning 12 and new converts.   Use of technology- in missionary work.  Girls camp- "globally applicable".  No lessons taught by RS/PRST- council meetings/discussions.  Dropping out of Boy Scouts-will "launch a new youth initiative"!!!
It's endless!  Changes either made or coming for 8-11 years old; 12-18 years old; RS; Priesthood; VT; Ht; YW; YM; Activity days: Scouting; Girls camp!!!
Maybe these many changes are a part of what President Nelson mentioned?...
Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory.
I was home and heard over the radio in 1978 that the Church had just announced that all worthy males could now receive the Priesthood.  This would open the way for Temple ordinances for all the worthy faithful.  I got in the car and drove towards Terry's shop to find him and share this amazing news!!  He was as stunned as I was.  We both were tearful.  It was a happy time for us.  We were glad for the announcement.
We hadn't understood why that had been withheld but we weren't angry or upset and felt that at some point it would happen.  And we had no impatience or criticizing afterward.  some really struggled with racism and others struggled with harsh judgment on the Church being run by "old men" that needed to be modern and they had waited to long and caused embarrassment etc. to the Church at large.  Eventually things settled down.
It seemed to be a part of our Church History that was just sort of there and not really addressed other than the fact it happened.  It seemed to just sort of be not mentioned.
And Now???!  40 years later...The Church is having a huge celebration of the event happening!  Celebrating the fact that all can join the Church and have full blessings of membership with Priesthood and endowments.  I am definitely going to watch the happenings on line.  It will be at the Conference Center so obviously they are expecting a lot of attendees.  I would love to go but that isn't going to happen but I'm so thankful I can sit here and watch it.  Wonder what they'll do?  Wonder what they'll say?  Wonder what the world will say?
Be One  (all the details) here   Friday.  June 1st.
Oh, I just now see that the June Ensign has several articles about this subject!Ensign
Speaking of wonder.  I wonder what will happen with Family History with the statement in the May Ensign...Pg. 136 
“Our emphasis for the coming year is to help the consultants see their role in helping members to have this experience,” Elder Foster said. “We do that one by one. We go to [people] wherever they are, with a special emphasis on those who are turning 12 and those who are new converts.” Those two groups benefit quickly from seeing how temple work strengthens families through the eternities, and they often generate enthusiasm among their own friends and families.
12 years old!  My Primary class!
The whole scenario of an almost overall change in all that is old and familiar, is amazing!
I just read the marvelous book Wonder by R.J. Palacio.  A tender book about a young boy's life struggle.  A book about kindness.  We are headed toward greater kindness and compassion!
Yesterday I watched the Award Winning movie Coco.  I had wondered about it, ever since I heard the song, Remember Me, and saw movie clips at those hours of RootTech that I watched.  It turns out, the underlying film message is about searching for deceased family members and remembering them.  Very clever and excellent and has a twist that I did not see coming.  This movie was a Disney animated film and accepted by the world.  Awared top honors...two Oscars!  The world must be moving ahead in preparation for the message of the Gospel!

I better get with it!!
The real wonder is you have read through this way to long blog post....all of my mind excitement!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

still Aha-ing!

Still on a bit of a high about the realization that what President Kimball talked about, 39 years ago, is currently taking place!  Well, more than a bit!  A whole shebang of a natural high!

Last night Terry and I watched, through the miracles of today's Internet, Sister Kimball read that talk.  A historic talk in my estimation.  I loved seeing her with her paper nametag and wearing a corsage as big as a dinner plate.  I loved seeing her shuffle the pages sideways as she read her husband's talk.  I enjoyed remembering when her granddaughter, her namesake, served as a missionary in Homer.  I remembered the sweet friendship that she and our daughter developed.

In those days, the wives were afforded total privacy.  In the tabernacle, there was a place over to the right and they were secluded there during General Conference.  You never really saw them.  Nowadays they sit right there and when it's over, the First Presidency and Quorum members walk over and take them by the hand and they walk and wave and exit together.  And now they travel and fulfill speaking assignments.  All over the world!

Sister Kimball's granddaughter had told us of how her Grandmother did not enjoy attention or the spotlight in any way and there she was reading that talk!  As I watched and listened again...I remembered that thrill of being told to be a SisterScriptorian and also the amazement of hearing something that had never really been said before- about the power of women and how it would be in the last days with their influence.  I remember being surprised at the mention of the non-member women and how they would respond to the member women.  I remembered all of that as it's been in my mind and heart for all 39 years but...I did not remember this....

Among the real heroines in the world who will come into the Church are women who are more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish. These real heroines have true humility, which places a higher value on integrity than on visibility. Remember, it is as wrong to do things just to be seen of women as it is to do things to be seen of men. Great women and men are always more anxious to serve than to have dominion.
Thus it will be that female exemplars of the Church will be a significant force in both the numerical and the spiritual growth of the Church in the last days.
These women are spiritually strong and each is so beautiful in her own modest way!  What an exciting time to be in the Church.  An indication of the reality of this being the unfolding of many prophecies of the last days, is transparent every time one of these women speaks to a vast audience!!

I am a happy woman just thinking of this happening!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Aha Moment for me!

General RS Conference 1979 and President Kimball was in the hospital and his wife read his talk....The Role of Righteous Women  here

I remember being fascinated with him stating the deep need for women to study the scriptures and to be sister scriptorians.  I'd never heard that phrase before but I knew I wanted to study and become a sister scriptorian.  I understood what he was saying and desired to comply. I knew I loved to study the gospel and had that desire to do and be what he said.

Even though the eternal roles of men and women differ, as we indicated to you a year ago, this leaves much to be done by way of parallel personal development—for both men and women. In this connection, I stress again the deep need each woman has to study the scriptures. We want our homes to be blessed with sister scriptorians—whether you are single or married, young or old, widowed or living in a family.
The paragraph below from that same talk, for all of these 39 years has caused me to think and will this happen? will women be in places of power in the Church? ....and be the cause of drawing in many of the good women of the world?  What and where will their platform for exposure, for visibility, become a reality? will this happen???

Finally, my dear sisters, may I suggest to you something that has not been said before or at least in quite this way. Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world (in whom there is often such an inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different—in happy ways—from the women of the world.

I remember being thrilled and amazed when the above words were read...

And now?  Now I see it happening!  Happening right before my eyes!!  It's real.

Just to mention a few things.  The wives of the Apostles and even the First Presidency wives are traveling with their husbands AND they are speaking!!  They are the type of women that President Kimball mentioned.

When Elder Gong was called to Apostleship...his wife was sitting right there with him!  Wives are serving alongside their husbands and doing it as only a woman can!!

Sister Bingham was called as General RSP and immediately was assigned to go to the United Nations, representing the Church and giving a speech!  and staying and participating.  Last week she was scheduled to be, with her counselors, at the BYU Women's Conference- instead?...she was on assignment from the Prophet to be at the White House and gave one of the prayers and stayed and represented the Church!

In recent memory...I've heard Sister Nelson and Sister Oaks and Sister Renlund and Sister Bednar and Sister Gong and Sister Holland and tonight the most magnificent talk by Sister Kearon (she accompanied her  husband on his assignment to speak at the WW Devotional)  Her incredible talk was the one that made my jaw drop, the light dawned on me and I was like...It's happening!!  This is what President Kimball was talking about!!

Each of these women just steps up to microphone and delivers her inspired message!!  they truly do reflect righteousness and articulateness. 

I'm so excited to see this unfold and I can't remember who else I've seen and heard!  

The Role of Righteous Women  here  (talk read by President Kimball's wife)

Watch Elder Kearon and hear his wife!  here  I tried to print the picture of this gorgeous duo but had no luck!!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

doing good...

Very interesting, with all of the excitement about the new ministering program, that we were told before, but evidently we weren't ready and the timing wasn't in place to implement, on a Church-wide program a new way of caring for each other.

Sister Mary Ellen Smoot was the 13th General RSP from 1997-2002 and at some point she said...

No automatic alt text available.

I remember Julie Beck saying some similar things.

To me it is a terrific relief to be let free and not worry about the date of the month or the crafts I did not make and deliver or the cookies/cakes that were nothing more than a recipe and the constant guilt brick on my back that at some point slid into a heavy back-pack at times that felt like a burden. 

We are being asked to be like Christ.  He that went about doing good.  I want to do good.  I may not go about doing good but I want to do good.  And...some of that good will be directed towards my lovebug Hubby.  He deserves and needs my tenderness and love and care.  He needs my keeping care of tending us and sprucing up our little cottage that at times seems overgrown with dust and that sort of thing.  I want him to see me happy and optimistic and confident as I move ahead on my regrouping.  Using my carpet sweeper and my new Swiffer dusters!- he's happy for my new toys!

60 years.  That is a long time together.  We still love each other and he is sweet and kind and appreciative of my efforts.  What fellow thanks his wifey for doing the laundry or buying flowers for the porch or expresses appreciation for grocery shopping?  Who tells me on a regular basis that I'm adorable, his angel and he can't get over I have no wrinkles.  Yep.  Not a single line!  (Let's be real.  I'll be 79 on Monday.  He looks through the eyes of love!  but I buy into it and bask in such an amazing thing!)

To me we are invited to just be ourselves.  To do what we can, when we can, to whomever we can.  To just be nice to each other.  (whomever or whoever?  gosh, I wish I could remember all of those rules!!)

Thanks for being nice to me and reading my blog that I keep tucked away-- in feeling I'm just way to human for the ideal LDS women.  Oh, wait a minute.  Isn't that what this is all about...we are ideal in our individual uniqueness!

Thursday, May 3, 2018


As I continue to regroup and figure out how to do things as usual, when I can't really do that as usual feat!  Take vacuuming.  First of all- let it be known that my brain was in freeze mode in thinking that everything would just always be as they are- and I have clear vision that the old way is not going to keep working or return to working and then...I just sit in a hole and expect life to suddenly be back to normal.  I seem to space out that I'm figuring out a NewNorm with me being the star player.  At last!  I'm wising up but really not of my own doing.  Inspiration on very simple things that make life as I'd like it to be.  Well, at least on vacuuming!

For almost 12 weeks, that would be 3 months on next Monday!, I was told not to vacuum.  Pride ruled the day and did I let on to anyone that offered to help in anyway, to please, vacuum?  No.  No I did not do that.

Then came the dawning, as I realized vacuuming, somehow or other needed to be managed on a higher plane.  One that kept the carpet/floor clean but did away with accumulation of dirt/dust and the hauling out the vacuum!

As I really gave this massive think/thought/pondering after amassing more frustration that is good for BloodPressure, I finally had this marvelous thought enter my a carpet sweeper!  Now don't be rude and laugh or be mean with comments like...really, this gal needs to get a life!

House stuff is all on me (except for dishes which Hubby still does) so I'm looking for ways to streamline etc. in the regrouping process.

At first I wanted a Fuller carpet sweeper because of the company reputation.  Terry did a lot of research on which one is rated best and when I got to the store they didn't have the Fuller one but I saw the Shark one and remembered that had a really high rating star-wise so I got it.  It's battery powered, which I wasn't sure I'd like it but is really quite the little gem.

Enjoying it so much that I could do an ad for them!!  It's super light weight and goes right to edge and can be used on carpet/tile/linoleum etc.  It does a terrific job picking up the visible and invisible!  So I just give it a go in the evening, and do whatever I feel ambitious enough to do, and voila!, in the morning when I get up the floor is decent!!  One of the great things about this ...this gives me the freedom if things are chaotic around here, I don't have to feel like I'm living in a mess floor wise.

I wish I'd bought one years ago!  Again...don't be rude and tell me how many years you have used a carpet sweeper and how far I am behind the times!

One thing figure out on my regrouping!


I'm going to watch the BYU Women's Conference on live streaming in 12 minutes.  What an amazing thing that we have access to so much!!  I can hardly wait!

The Book of Mormon read that I'm doing is just so incredible.  I love it!!  It just touches my heart and warms my soul and blesses me every single day that I read.  

Recently I read the part about the weapons of war being buried.  I thought it was just one group that did it and I realized that actually 3 groups buried them, at different times  but for the same reason.  How did I miss that before?  A bit of trivia, that won't get me a pass into TheKingdom, but is of interest to me...for what reason?...I have no idea.

Just like I also found a bit of insight into the fathers and their attitude and faith (of those stripling warriors)

more later.  going to go listen and learn.


Anyhow.  Maybe your want to read those 3 times of weapon burying.  Maybe you are yawning.  Maybe you are could she not know this!?  Everyone realizes 3 groups did it!  Why would she say one group?  Whatever your mindset, I'm going to share them.  for some reason I just find it sooooo interesting.

#1 Alma 24:19 And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.

#2 Alma 24:23 Now when the Lamanites saw that their brethren would not flee from the sword, neither would they turn aside to the right hand or to the left, but that they would lie down and perish, and praised God even in the very act of perishing under the sword—
24 Now when the Lamanites saw this they did forbear from slaying them; and there were many whose hearts had swollen in them for those of their brethren who had fallen under the sword, for they repented of the things which they had done.
25 And it came to pass that they threw down their weapons of war, and they would not take them again, for they were stung for the murders which they had committed; and they came down even as their brethren, relying upon the mercies of those whose arms were lifted to slay them.
#3 Alma 25:13 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that they could not overpower the Nephites they returned again to their own land; and many of them came over to dwell in the land of Ishmael and the land of Nephi, and did join themselves to the people of God, who were the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi.
14 And they did also bury their weapons of war, according as their brethren had, and they began to be a righteous people; and they did walk in the ways of the Lord, and did observe to keep his commandments and his statutes.
Okay.  I correct myself.  group #1 and #3 buried them and group #2 threw them down and would not take them again.  I still like that bit of trivia!