Monday, July 11, 2011

Bustling Seattle

What a busy fun time we had visiting Seattle!  So many people and so much activity with people milling about.  Noise and talking and laughter and people all on a search for sightseeing and shopping.  A different world from my normal days!

All sorts of folks from elegant to casual.  homeless urine smelling men standing on corners.  multiple body piercings, large tattoos, seemingly unbathed youth- sitting on steps or the sidewalk. leaning up against backpacks and rolled blankets/sleeping bags. guitars nearby.  I was glad to be me.

Pike Place Market of course was not to be overlooked.  The throwing of the fish.  The brass(?) pig.  Most beautiful of all?...the flower Market!!!  Never have I seen such a huge assortment of fresh brilliant colored flowers. I was gifted with a bouquet of the sweetest smelling lavender/purple sweet peas ever!! 

The vendors were so clever.  rubber banded the bouquet.  Wrapped the stems snugly in newspaper and left a "root ball" at the end.  rubber banded that. wet newspaper until soggy. Put it in a plastic bag.  put some more water in and rubber banded that.  then put it in a cellophane nosegay wrap.  It worked wonderful!  Lasted until we got home.  Unwrapped them and they are still sending off their heavenly scent.

We chose eating at Ivar's, for one of our meals, as that has been a favorite of ours.  the chowder did not disappoint but the fish was not a hit.  I think it was partially our fault as Terry's cousin, Patty, showed up to join us and she had brought a packet of old pictures from the early 60's of a trip we took to WA....we started looking at the pictures and let the fish get cold!!  definitely our fault!!!

I'm shocked at the clothing that is available.  How anyone even begins to stay modest is challenged!  and the huge variety of things and the sky high prices.  I  saw another Coach store.  It still seems so over the top to me to have a store that displays purses like jewelry in their own individual glass cubicles.  The prices warrant it!! 

We went into Nordstrom's and I've never seen so many shoes available!!  Honestly, there were hundreds!!  Bizarre to beautiful but all priced off the charts.  I saw my first pair of red soled Jimmy Choo shoes.  Interesting!  I am way to practical for some of these things.  In my younger years I was a shoe freak and loved all of the ones that I had, so I enjoyed watching my granddaughters ooh and aww over designs I wouldn't be caught dead in, at this age and stage of my life.  How do people afford these things?  I guess I am poor and don't understand spending so much for one item of clothing.

We enjoyed the day and even the cab ride to our Warwick Seattle Hotel from the Pike Place area.  A very friendly turbaned driver from India.  Engaging in conversation with our daughter seated in front.  When she realized that he'd gone 5 blocks east, then up the hill, turned west and backtracked and passed where he'd picked us!....she called him on it.  He fibbed and said the roads were all one way!  Turns out the hotel was only 4 blocks or so from where we were!! 

Terry and I ended up staying at the Hotel mid-afternoon and the 3 gals took off for more sightseeing.  We enjoyed the skyline view of the buildings architecture from our 11th story perch.

Next day was more shopping and sightseeing and then visiting more family.  We loved seeing our grandchildren and our 2 great-grands!! 

The couple of days were jam packed with fun and great memories were made.  We are thinking of making Seattle a regular summer event along with the new blueberry picking day.  That is the thing about memory making...things shift and change.  some things are outgrown.  some things are replaced.  New things enter in but the bottom line is great memories are created and new traditions arise.

Whatever your summer is turning into, I hope you are stacking up at least one fantastic fun memory or a tender sweet one but one good memory of some sort!!!

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